Seeder Finance Seeks to Improve the P2E Landscape

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seeder finance improve p2e landscape

What Is SEEDER.Finance?

SEEDER.Finance is a BSC (Binance Smart Chain) based decentralized finance platform that enables leveraged yield farming. It enables users to maximise their returns and income from sowing, farming, and other activities on the site.

More information can be found via the Twitter account and through the community Telegram Group as well as the Official Telegram Channel.

What Is TREE?

TREE is a pool that can only be obtained by converting your Locked LEAF (or Fertilized Seeds). After converting to TREE, you may plant TREE for multiplier APR. TREE holders are classified as FARM OWNERS, with varying levels of ownership and benefits.

The issuing of LEAF will also ultimately lead to eventual deflation since more than half of the issued tokens have since been converted to TREE.

What Can LEAF Be Used For?

Within the SEEDER ecosystem, LEAF will have a number of utilities. Starting in Q2 and Q3, LEAF may be used on gaming at various partner sites. Furthermore, LEAF may be used within the platform to buy Seedmons (NFT characters) for usage in SeederVerse.

In 2022, an expansion of the use case from gaming to fund by producing a representation of the fund as tokens for users to invest in on the platform shall also be presented.

Locking Period

To maintain the long-term viability of LEAF Tokens, all LEAF awards are issued with 30% being free and traded on PancakeSwap soon after plucking the reward. Also, 35% have a 15-day lockout term, while another 35% have a 30-day lockdown period. When the ‘Blooming Rewards’ function is fully enabled, the unlocking of LEAF will be seen.

What Is SeederVerse?

SeederVerse is a P2E (Play-To-Earn) NFT strategy game in which players may assemble a team of up to four ‘Seedmons’ to begin playing. Players may obtain Seedmons by opening gacha or trading with others in the marketplace using LEAF. Every Seedmon has its unique set of random attributes that may be improved through a variety of in-game techniques.

Furthermore, there are also many different types of gameplay. Players may participate in PVP and guild war to win LEAF, limited Seedmons, and different items or equipment. The game will operate on both on-chain as well as off-chain to provide a smooth and efficient gameplay experience.

Players with TREE can also receive ‘Blooming Rewards’, which include a portion of the income produced by the game as well as other advantages.

What Is Seedmon?

Seedmon is the primary character of the game, where players may gather, join a team, and participate in the game’s different activities. Seedmon may hence be understood as pre-designed visuals with distinct identities, yet the same Seedmon can come in a variety of colours. Each has unique powers and characteristics.

There are also different ‘Seedmon Tribes’ like the ‘Halfing Tribe’, the ‘Beast Tribe’, and the ‘Plant Tribe’. Each tribe will have different characteristics such as differing stats (speed, power, agility, defense, etc.) in addition to their own backstories and lore. Moreover, there are also different ‘Elements’, such as those of ‘Fire’, ‘Water’, and ‘Wind’. Each element offers bonus damage towards other elemental types, and comes with its own unique description as well.

How Does It All Work?

As a user (Seeder), you can engage in SEEDER.Finance by following a relatively straightforward procedure. By collecting Seeds via the platform, you may earn secure and steady returns on your respective base assets. Seeds must be planted to get an outstanding return. Because normal seeds would not be fertilised, they generate a reduced quantity of LEAF in return; normal seeds are those that do not have any LEAF. When seeds are coupled with LEAF, they are termed as ‘fertilised’. This will assist to expedite growth throughout the planting phase; in the future, LEAF-BNB seeds as well as ‘Fertilized Seeds’ shall be introduced. Lastly, ‘Super Seeds’ are LEAF seeds that produce the biggest rewards and will be utilized in the future for additional ‘Blooming Rewards’.

After this, users will then have to ‘Plant’ the seeds. Seedians can begin planting their own seeds or otherwise borrow seeds from the seed pool to begin planting . It is important to remember that the more seeds you plant, the more money you make. This is because the more LEAF you plant, the more LEAF you will generate. Note that the ‘Fertilized’ and ‘Super Seeds’ will also generate LEAF at a faster pace.

Finally, when your ‘Plant’ matures into ‘Saplings’ and continues to develop into a complete ‘Tree’, Seeders can harvest the LEAF as a reward for their relentless efforts in planting the Seeds.

Fees and Blooming Rewards

Regarding the fees, there is a 2% fee to get your seeds and also a 2% fee to revert your seeds. As far as the rewards are concerned, aside from simply staking and collecting incentives, one of the most intriguing features of Seeders is the gamification that has been added for the customers.

LEAF planting pool seeders may earn an additional reward simply by holding and planting their LEAF. More plants will also be released in the near future that signify a different amount of income that could potentially be provided for the Seeders.


Before investing into this project, it is important to understand the tokenomics. Seeders will be able to participate in several gamification features and also games across the platform. These features shall be made available in the near future. Moreover, there shall also be a governance vault where Seeders may plant their respective LEAF tokens to get SEEDER, with 1 SEEDER equaling 1 vote, allowing them to make critical governance choices and provide them with a method through which they can voice their potential concerns and ideas.

Furthermore, the overall fees which will be collected by SEEDER would also be allocated in a meaningful way, with 20% being given to the developers, 10% as incentives for Seeders, and 70% to buy back and subsequently burn LEAF tokens (this will also serve as a deflationary mechanism).

Regarding the fair launch distribution, only 20% of the entire supply will be allocated to Seeders, with the remaining tokens returning to the team over a one-year timeframe. LEAF will be released with a decreasing emissions schedule over the next two years, and there will be 200 million LEAF altogether. To encourage early adopters, there will be unique multiplier bonus awards available for the initial two weeks and for the first several months following launch.

Moreover, 12% of the tokens distributed will be used to finance development as well as team expansion. This fund has a two-year vesting period to guarantee that the team is in place for the long haul. In other words, this is not a ‘pump and dump scheme’.

Additionally, there is usually a storage room in planting to hold any required goods. The ‘Barn Storage’ has an allocation of 16 million tokens set aside for future strategic costs.  The  Barn Storage will be minted, locked, and released to drive the community. Listing costs, audit fees, third-party services, liquidity for partnerships, and other expenditures all fall under this category. Barn Storage will also be utilised to propel and build the community through future gaming features.

Gachapon and Marketplace

Opening Gachapons may result in the same Seedmon, but to that end, SeederVerse has the Seedmon Fusion function, which allows two identical Seedmons to be merged to create a Seedmon with greater stats and secret powers. The ‘Stars’ property represents the amount of Seedmon improvements; more Stars equals more enhancements, and more enhancements equals even more secret powers.

This approach enables players to build a wide range of combinations. If the team combination or formation is strong, even a low-stat Seedmon may be a very good supporter. Also, because ‘Seedmon Fusion’ entails the burning of the Seedmon NFT, which needs native token processing, fusing may only be done on-chain. Additionally, the Marketplace currently has 270 Seedmon available and 24 different NFT characters have also been brought forth.


Arena Battle is a gaming mode in which users assemble teams of 1 to 4 Seedmons to battle fellow players in PvP mode to earn ‘Victory Points.’ The score will be tallied and posted on the scoreboard, and top players will be rewarded.  To build a team, players must divide their Seedmons into two groups: ‘Attacker’ and ‘Defender’.

An Attacker Formation is a group of players that work together to assault the Defenders of opposing opponents.  A Defender Formation is a group of players that work together to protect rival players’ Attackers. If the Attacker defeats the Defender’s Seedmons in less than 5 minutes, the Attacker wins. If not, the Defender is the victor.

In-game conflicts will make use of cards based on a Seedmon’s ‘Base Action,’ with each Seedmon having unique commands and talents. When each Seedmon’s ‘Action Gauge’ reaches 100% in Arena Battle, the system will create a card for the player.

Players can play the card whenever they choose, depending on their intentions and combination. However, the player can only collect up to a total of 8 cards. If a new card is created while the player already has 8 cards, then the new card would be removed immediately.

2021 Milestones

Some of the main milestones for this year are centred on the execution of an appropriate strategy in accordance with the overall vision, driving gaming income and sharing it with the token holders, and being listed on a Tier 1 exchange to increase token liquidity.

What’s Next

An open beta (which also serves as the final in-game tokenomic test) is scheduled to take place soon, after which the official launch will occur sometime around the end of December 2021 and the beginning of January 2022. For those wishing to participate in the open beta, they can register via this form.

Simply enter your respective wallet number into the form, after which the dev team shall deploy the wallet address and you shall receive 8 Seedmons for testing. You will then run on the test net.

Finally, there are also plans of being listed on Gokumarket and trades being enabled by the mid of December.