Seth Green Finally Connects with the Owner of His Stolen Ape #8398

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NFT News

  • One week after the incident, Seth Green connected with the holder of his stolen #8398 Ape.
  • The holder, once assumed to be @DarkWing84, was actually @drwerty on Twitter.
  • On May 25, the two finally connected successfully with the help of the BAYC community.

Seth Green has finally connected with the person who received his Bored Ape #8398. The Twitter user, who was initially thought to be @DarkWing84, was actually @drwerty. This happened one week after a phishing attack cost Green four valuable NFTs – most importantly his #8398.

As Green tried to catch the attention of @DarkWing84 on Twitter, the real holder @drwerty had been trying to connect through Discord. Fortunately, the Twitter BAYC community did their due diligence and pointed Green in the right direction. As of May 25, Green and @drwerty have finally connected successfully.

The entire debacle started around the third week of May when a phishing attack cost Green four valuable NFTs. Not only did this cost him a lot of money, but it also put his upcoming TV series on hold. This was because Bored Ape #8938 was supposed to be the star of this upcoming show.

Green was prepared to go to court for his stolen NFTs. However, he was adamant about sorting things out personally with the Ape’s holder first. First, Green kept trying to contact @DarkWing84 to no avail, which was a Twitter account that hasn’t been active since March 2021.

The news of Green’s NFTs loss spread, and Green kept trying to contact @DarkWing84. Eventually, user @drwerty – @DarkWing84’s new account – caught wind and tried to contact Green to settle the matter. However, Green’s Direct Message settings made it so that he couldn’t receive public messages. So @drwerty had to wait until Green messaged him first.

Finally, it all came together once the BAYC community caught Green’s attention and pointed him in the right direction.