Simon Fuller and Now United Launch Interactive Film and Album on the Avalanche Blockchain

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Simon Fuller and Now United Release Interactive Film and Album on Avalanche

On March 22, Simon Fuller and his pop group, Now United, are set to release a Hollywood-Web3 crossover album and film built on Avalanche. Fans can watch or listen by purchasing tickets through OP3N, an app that blends Web2 and Web3 to curate novel experiences for fans in arts and entertainment.

Ticket Tiers and Perks

The release offers three tiers of tickets, each accompanied by unique perks:

  • Digital collectibles
  • Access to the artists and bonus content
  • A chance to participate in a live dance session with Now United members

The Musical

“The Musical” is a live-action film that follows Rodney, a Hollywood director, who pauses his next movie to indulge his passion project: directing a Broadway musical. Now United — a group featuring singers and dancers from 18 different countries — bring this story to life for their fans. With the unique digital features enabled by Avalanche and OP3N, the group can share their music and dance talent interactively.

Engaging Fans in New Ways

Fuller aims to inspire schools to create their own versions of performances from the musical, competing for honors within the OP3N platform through community voting and other interactive elements. This initiative allows audiences to engage with content beyond just entertainment, encouraging participation through learning and creating their own versions of the musical.

Simon Fuller, founder of XIX Entertainment, expressed his excitement:

This project allows me to redefine how an audience can engage with content. Not only can it be enjoyed simply as entertainment, but fans can now actually participate, initially through learning and then by creating their own version of the musical with their friends or school. It is a celebration of the art of musical theater and the passion for self-expression and new technology that enables people to get involved and engage in ways never before imagined.

Empowering Artists and Fans with Web3

OP3N’s co-founders, Jaeson Ma and Eric Tu, highlighted the platform’s potential:

OP3N’s direct-to-audience Web3 platform is powering a new paradigm in music and entertainment, enabling the biggest and most innovative artists and creators to connect directly with their fans and create 360-degree engagement and experiences never before possible. In Avalanche, we’ve found the best possible answer to enable the overall opportunity at a level never previously done.

OP3N has previously partnered with the Avalanche Foundation to launch and co-finance the Culture Catalyst program — a $100 million initiative to redefine the entertainment business model.

Avalanche’s Role in the Project

John Nahas, VP of Business Development at Ava Labs, commented on the collaboration:

We are thrilled that Avalanche will power one of the first major Hollywood-Web3 crossover releases. Now United is breaking exciting ground by bringing a new kind of entertainment to fans across the globe, and OP3N is primed to help bring Web3 culture to the masses.

About Simon Fuller’s XIX Entertainment

Simon Fuller is a renowned entertainment industry creator, producer, and entrepreneur. Over the past three decades, he has developed and executed some of the biggest entertainment properties worldwide, generating billions in revenue. Fuller has disrupted conventions and empowered iconic artists, including the Spice Girls, David and Victoria Beckham, Andy Murray, Lewis Hamilton, Annie Lennox, Amy Winehouse, Jennifer Lopez, and Michael Caine. His company, XIX Entertainment, continues to be a force of creativity and innovation in music, television, film, and fashion.