Social investment community Ape Fund rolls out exclusive community platform

ape fund

It is a place for members to come together, research, and vote on what to invest in. Members can join like-minded people to invest with, bringing increased knowledge on investment decisions.

Ape Fund has now launched its investment platform. The platform will provide its members a place to work together to decide on what they will invest into.

The exclusive platform is joined and accessed via the purchase and holding of its social token. Within, members will find a group of crypto-based investors discussing new finds, interesting learnings, projects with potential, and projects which should be avoided. 

Once the community has researched and vetted options for the week, they vote on which will receive their investment that week.

The group then invests in that project. Post-investment, they discuss when to then devest.

What is a social token?

A social token allows for crypto-based communities to incentivize working together on projects.

By owning the tokens, you’re granted access to the community, get a say in the direction of the organization, as well as benefit from any value by appreciation of the price of the tokens. 

Social tokens are increasing in popularity with the rise of Web3, and numerous use cases are coming out. 

More about Ape Fund

Ape Fund provides all it’s community members with 10% rewards in BUSD for being a part of it’s community. This provides its members with extra funds to make investments with, or can act simply as a form of passive income.

A member must have 10,000 $APEFUND tokens in order to join its exclusive group. 


“Social tokens could be the next revolution in crypto” Elliot Covat, head of community at Coinvise.  “You’ll be involved, learn, and have power over the community’s future.”

“We are currently seeing the tip of the iceberg, the full impact of social tokens will be known with time” Cristian Bustos.

“Only a limited number of these tokens exist, there will be high demand, and the value will increase” Christian Bustos.


Through accessing this platform, Ape Fund hopes to see all its members gain additional knowledge about the crypto space as well as have its members see greater returns from their investments.

Ape Fund finalized its Audit with SpyWolf on 12/2.

Contact Information

[email protected]

Twitter: @ApeFundOfficial

Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.