SolaJump AMA Recap

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BSCDaily Admin: Hello and welcome. Glad to have you here!

Badboy75 Nerd148: Hello everyone. Glad to be here.

BSCDaily Admin: Ready to do the AMA?

Badboy75 Nerd148: Ready and set.

Q1: Please introduce us to the SolaJump project and SolaJump NFTs.

Badboy75 Nerd148: Solajump project is born in June 2021. My partners and I have been working in blockchain techno since 2012. When we heard about NFTs we wanted to do something different that will reward the hodler forever.

Solajump is the first NFT video game cartridge.

And owning this NFT will grant you access to a game and to multiple tournaments with medium to high prize pool.

80% of the mint reward the owner.

It’s a simple but addictive game that anyone could play.

Q2: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your team? What are your past experiences? And why do you remain anonymous?

Badboy75 Nerd148: First of all we do not remain anonymous at all. You can check our full names and dyor in

We worked in crypto security techno and built wallpex, one of the first private wallets for business inside and video game skins.

We want to make NFT as a service our priority.


In July 2021 I sat down with my CTO (Tony) and I told him that with his understanding of rust and smart contract he should be the one with the ideas. He answered me that NFT is like the creation of the microchip. For the moment everybody makes credit cards. But what with keys or gps ect ect.

We then understand that we need to use this ownership power to provide our community with real rewards.

You don’t buy a jpg.

You buy yourself a part of our ambition.

You are buying an NFT.

To get service from us.

For example the tournament that we made yesterday was a service that our community enjoyed 👍

I mean it’s ok to buy a jpg I just don’t believe in it and most of the time people want to make fast profit.

Q3: Can you walk us through SolaJump’s current partners? And are there any major partners in the future?

Badboy75 Nerd148: Yes sure. We are now in negotiation with a major actor in the video game industry. I can’t tell you more but we received encouraging propositions.

Q4: Let’s dive into your tokens $SOL. Can you share with us your tokenomics? And what are some of the $SOL use cases? And does $SOL get audited?

Badboy75 Nerd148: For the moment we don’t have tokens. The SOL are what we are rewarding the community with. In the future when the 4 games will be out a token will be made but I can’t talk about the tokenomics for the moment.

For the moment we want to communicate around the games and the tournaments.

Q5: What about your marketing strategies? How do you plan on growing your community?

Badboy75 Nerd148: To be completely honest we put the marketing on the side for the moment. Our technology is live for about 2 weeks now. Of course it has been backtested for months. But real-time can be challenging 😉 in the next 2 weeks we will start progressively to talk more about our project and to turn into marketing priority.

We hosted our first live tournament yesterday with more than 1000 concurrent players. And everything was ok.

I don’t want to sell a product that doesn’t control 100% in respect for our users.

Q6: I can see that you’re having the first Genesis tournament in December 2021. Can you share with us the details? How can we participate and win in the tournament?

Badboy75 Nerd148: The genesis tournament will occur by the end of the mint. 2000 SOL prize pool with 150 sol for first place. Every NFT you own grant you with 10 eternal lives for all the tournaments. You need to make the best score possible with this 10 lives. The higher the jump the more point you get.

When the tournament is over you automatically receive you lives back for the next tournament.

One tournament per week at least.

And to participate you need to mint on

Q7: So what can we expect in the next 3 months and in 2022 as a whole?

Badboy75 Nerd148: Excellent question! There will be 3 other games out in the next 4 months.

Everytime a game comes out, the solajumper NFT owner will automatically receive the NFT of the next game as a drop.

And when you hold the 4 cartridges NFT you will receive a last drop of KOKESHI NFT. An MMORPG that we are developing in-house.

MMORPG will be ready in April 2022 and believe by this time everyone will search for a solajumper.

They will be your only alpha access to the MMORPG.

Q8: Where can we find out more about SolaJump?

Badboy75 Nerd148:

The discord is really the place to be but you can find all the info on


Also starting in January our team will be live on twitch a couple hours a day.

So you guy will be able to follow the roadmap on live ✅

If someone have any other questions do not hesitate.

The telegram is also useful


SolaJump NFT Game is bringing back the classic arcade gaming experience with a brand new twist.

10,000 NFTs CARTRIDGES generated.


Mint Site:


BSCDaily Admin: With this we are now at the end of our AMA session with SolaJump 🔥🔥🔥

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Badboy75 Nerd148: Sure thanks for having me and we stay available on discord for further questions. Jump in the community and you will not regret it. 🎖😁

BSCDaily Admin: Thank you for doing the AMA so people can get to know more about SolaJump!

We wish you best of luck and SolaJump success. Merry Christmas!

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