Solice – The Very First VR Metaverse on the Solana Ecosystem


Solice is an open 3D world with infinite possibilities: a VR metaverse where users can play, build, own, socialize, and monetize their immersive virtual experiences on the Solana blockchain.

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Solice is a metaverse of interconnected virtual worlds, NFTs, and communities. The vision of Solice is to improve the overall user experience by connecting them across the metaverse through interoperability. Solice addresses users’ lack of immersive and asset ownership while maintaining visual performance.

Solice offers an infrastructure to support a metaverse or shared virtual world. The Solice metaverse supports various platforms, removing the barrier of disparate hardware, software, and operating systems. This allows more users to invite and connect with their friends and family, broadening the user base’s exponential growth possibilities.

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The Solice metaverse is a decentralized ledger for virtual world ownership, which could be a plot of land or any other asset such as clothing, apparel, and pets. All of them include a protocol for describing the content of each land parcel or asset’s content and a peer-to-peer network for user interaction.

The Solice metaverse is designed to give users as much freedom as possible, just like real life. Through the Solice native token, users can enjoy the democratic governance model based on a liquid democracy and real-world inspiration rules over a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).


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Solace ID

The Solice ID is the key to the metaverse. Users will be able to securely connect their wallets to their Solice IDs without disclosing any unnecessary information.


An Avatar is a virtual character that represents the user in the Solice metaverse. The Avatar can be customized piece by piece (hat, arms, torso, legs, etc.) by using compatible asset tokens. This allows users to distinguish themselves from other users in the Solice metaverse.

Land & Assets

The Solice metaverse makes use of cutting-edge DeFi protocols to provide exciting features. In the Solice metaverse, assets and land are blockchain-based virtual tokens (Solana blockchain). It enables users to own a piece of the metaverse and host content there (examples are toll fees, mini-games, and tickets).

On a map of fixed Lands, the Solice Metaverse exists (scarce). Players own land in the Metaverse to create and monetize any activity (free or paid). It comes with prebuilt terrains, but the owner can transform and modify it (or other users they invite to work on it).

Tokens can be staked on Lands to gain exclusive access to rewards and rare materials/ingredients. All of those ingredients can be used to create rare assets or to increase their rarity. They can be traded on the market.

Users will be able to combine Lands to form CITIES shortly. In the future, users may own CITIES to create DISTRICTS.


Pets are virtual tokens that represent physical pets in the Solice metaverse. Pets can follow their owners around the metaverse and remain visible on the land plot (for landowners).

Pets will be plentiful in the Solice metaverse, following users around in Each pet has unique traits and a varying rarity. Those factors will influence APY rates, increasing the chance of obtaining rare items like gemstones or eggs that can hatch new pets. The eggs that hatch new pets may have varying rarities. Eggs can also be sold on the market.


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At a later stage, Solice will implement a Play-to-Earn mechanism in the metaverse. Players can earn SLC tokens, rare assets, and item upgrades by completing metaverse quests. A portion of the tokens is reserved for user rewards. This design encourages user participation and keeps traction.



Gates are magical portals that connect the Solice metaverse to the void dungeons. Gates appear in the Solice metaverse. Users can interact with the gates and enter the void dungeons.

The void dungeons will have various challenges and games. Clearing the dungeon rewards users with $SLC tokens and rare assets.

Gates usually last 5–7 days.

Crafting system

The metaverse provides ingredients and materials. Ingredients and materials can be crafted into NFT assets, increasing their rarity and scarcity.


A web-based exchange center, the Marketplace, will also be launched within the Solice metaverse, allowing users to see objects in 3D VR, giving potential buyers a more immersive, customer-centric experience.

Everything will be sold in the open marketplace. 

  • Land plots
  • Pets
  • Special avatars
  • Buildings
  • Pet eggs
  • Gemstones
  • Raw materials
  • Crafted items


Solice makes it easy to create, assemble, and share 3D model assets. It empowers individual creators to create anything they want. Create 3D assets, animate them, and sell them in the global marketplace. The editor is a standalone SDK that allows users to create their assets and mini-games. These assets are then turned into digital tokens for scarcity, security, and authenticity. The Solice metaverse can display/play these.

User-designed revenue models.

Solice allows users to generate revenue by creating their revenue models. Entrance fees to a piece of land or a building are a simple revenue model. This model could be used to monetize an art gallery, arcade, live concert, or personal NFT collection hall.

The revenue models are optional, and land/building owners can free and open the area to anyone who wants to play the game.



Token Detail

Ticker: SLC

Total supply

400,000,000 SLC (fixed)

Token contract


Initial circulating supply

43,200,000 SLC

Initial market cap

$3,024,000 USD

Seed sale price

$0.04 USD

Private sale price

$0.05 USD

Public sale price

$0.07 USD

Token Distribution

Reserve – 20% 

Private sale – 17% 

Team – 15% 

Community & marketing – 15%

Ecosystem – 10%

Platform reward – 7% 

Seed – 6%

User incentive – 5%

Advisors – 3%

Public sale – 2% 

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