Starbots AMA Recap

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NFT_Daily hosts Starbots #NFT #Starbots #RobotBattle #SolanaDaily #Sol

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NFT_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today?

Kien Vuong: I’m good.

NFT_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA?

Kien Vuong: Sure, I’m ready.

Q1: Now to start the AMA, please have a quick introduction to the community. What is Starbots all about? Where did the idea for this project come from?

Kien Vuong:  Hi everyone, I’m Kien, CEO of Starbots. Glad to be here today. Starbots is the first-ever playable robot battle NFT game on Solana where players gain profit through strategically assembling their own robots, winning battles, completing missions, and conquering new lands. We get our inspiration from 2 main things:

1. Battlebots – the childhood game, where contestants control their armored and technologically-advanced robots through a remote control and battle other robots to win the competition.

2. Our love with dogs. The main avatar of the game would be a different dog breed with good taste in style.

Q2: Can you tell us a bit about the team and their experience with crypto projects?

Kien Vuong:  The Starbots team is a combination of master game creators and blockchain experts. The gameplay itself is created by Gamee Studio, a studio with games on top of the U.S Google store. Thus, the developers of Starbots have years and years of experience in creating games and understand the main points to make a game successful.

The blockchain integration is supported by TomoChain, one of the reputable projects in the field as well. Thus, our transition into crypto becomes easier as we’ve already had that understanding regarding what the community really wants.

Q3: Can you walk us through the uniqueness of Starbots?

Kien Vuong:  Apart from being the first-ever playable robot battle game on Solana, here’s what to note about Starbots:

– Unlimited Robot: With a number of 20,000 varieties for each body part, it’s an endless robot assembling process! Since each body part will generate a surprising battle, you’ll experience a different combat every single time!

– Unexpected Fighting Story: the in-game battle will be processed automatically, so each battle will be a different story with motions. You will not know how the battle will turn out eventually, so that’s the surprise factor to look forward to.

– Long-term engagement: it’s easy to play, but hard to master. Winning a battle is possible but it takes deep research and passion to explore how each body part can ham the opponents.

Q4: Let’s share with us your gameplay.

Kien Vuong: Let’s consider Starbots gameplay as an adventure to a brand new planet in the galaxy, where you’re surrounded by dogs and non-stop sounds of machine crashing.

To participate in a battle, you would need a robot with: body, weapons, gadgets and wheels.

Each body part has a different Tier and Magic Level -> The higher the levels, the more powerful the robot.

The game will take place with 2 modes:

– PvP mode: with Quick Battle and League Battle (Ranking System)

– PvE mode (Story mode): Follow the Map to different planets, complete missions, and defeat the Boss on each one to earn extra rewards.

Q5: Let’s dive into your token. Tokenomics & use cases? Where and how can the community buy your token?

Kien Vuong:  Starbots is going to have a 2-token model. We’re planning to have our BOT token IDO in January 2022, so please follow us to catch more information about this big event!

In the meantime, I can introduce briefly each token:

– GEAR (in-game token):

 + Generate by (1) completing missions; (2) winning battles; (3) selling body parts.

 + Use GEAR to (1) update levels of the body parts; (2) open Loot Box.

– BOT (governance token):

+ (1) Buy in IDO, (2) earn by winning Leaugue Battle

+ Use BOT to (1) vote for in-game features; (2) upgrade levels at some milestones; (3) stake.

Q6: Let’s talk about marketing plan, partnerships & influencers that you are collaborating with.

Kien Vuong: Sure. Getting our names out there is surely a very important factor to push forward. And we’re pretty grateful because up to this moment, we’ve welcomed on board many reputational partners & investors. Some of the names include Defi Alliance, Impossible Finance, TomoChain, Solscan, Solar Eco Fund, Good Game Guilds, Okex Ventures and TK Ventures.

We’re expanding our community and educating our players about Starbots, so make sure you give us a follow on our socials. We promise there will be a lot of events to come!

Q7: What are the project goals? Can you share with us your roadmap in the next 6 months?

Kien Vuong: To have a solid plan for the future is what drives trust in project. Starbots makes sure what we are clear about how we’re moving forward.

Some of upcoming highlight include:

– 12/2021: NFT Sale

– 1/2022: BOT token IDO

– Q1/2022: PvP Mode on Testnet

– Q2/2022: PvP Mode on Mainnet

– Q3/2022: PvE Story Mode Release

Q8: Where can we find out more about Starbots on social media?

Kien Vuong: We’re recruiting Starbots lovers from everyone! Please join us as we’ll be releasing a lot of exciting news!

– Website:

– Twitter:

– Discord:

– Telegram Announcement:

– Telegram Chat:

NFT_Daily Admin: With this, we are now at the end of our AMA session with Starbots.

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Kien Vuong: Just want to thank you for having us here today! Really excited to be explaining about Starbots and who we are. We’ve just had our NFT Sale information released on Dec 16th, at 1PM UTC so make sure you guys follow our channels to enjoy the early benefits that we offer. Starbots is ready to conquer the Solana ecosystem!

NFT_Daily Admin: Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for Starbots.

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