StrategyX Finance AMA recap

BSC Daily AMA 2022 07 01T094804.001 hosts an AMA with StrategyX Finance. #StrategyXFinance #Fantom #Fantomdaily #AMA

Coinwire Admin: Good day everyone!! And welcome back to another AMA with FantomDaily and StrategyX Finance 🔥I’m Daley – you host for today, and I’m joined by Mr. Ezio – Director of Operations at StrategyX. How’s it going Ezio?

Ezio: Hey guys, nice to meet you all

Coinwire Admin: Great to have you here with the FantomDaily community Ezio! Are you all good?

Ezio: I am! Let’s do it!

Coinwire Admin: What a spirit 🤩Let’s start our AMA with the first segment: Q&A with the host. We have prepared a few questions for StrategyX, the first one is:

Q1. First, can you give a brief introduction to the community about your project: StrategyX Finance?

Ezio: Sure. StrategyX is a leveraged yield protocol launched on Fantom network. It targets both regular farming and leverage farming for the users at the same time. StrategyX Finance is a super intuitive platform to all your DeFi investments minimizing correlations to the general market.Everything here is worked out from your injected capital in USD. Everything is visualized. And everything is within your fingertips.

Ezio: I see. And you’ve launched your app recently, is it correct? Yes, we went live on Fantom this Wednesday. APR still fresh lol

Coinwire Admin: Those do look juicy 🤩Ok so that’s a brief about StrategyX. Let’s understand more about the brains behind this project:

Q2. A gem project always supported by a strong team, how is your team formed and what are their experiences?

Ezio: Sure. We all know that in this area. Everything is fundamentally supported by codes, so we do require our dev team to be solid. Our dev lead has been a senior software engineer in Amazon for 5 years, and he has always been a web3 enthusiast. Besides the devs, our financial advisor has been working in DBS (Development Bank of Singapore), recently has an idea of launching an Leveraged product on a blockchain. This is part of the reason how StrategyX came out. Our team of operations are elites mainly based in the north American and Asian regions exploring potential opportunities of building up the community. It’s better to get to know our team more if you join our community

Coinwire Admin: Thanks for sharing Ezio! However, the market is not very active these days

Q3: So how would your team develop the product under this situation and create a stable earning platform for the users?

Ezio: I know, but it’s a good time to build. Can you share the plans for building StrategyX to the community? Yeah sure that’s a good question. It’s a good time to build, of course, but how you do it is the problem. Actually our team is focusing on inviting non crypto investors and crypto newbies to the protocol. To let more users get familiar with this field. The market is not active but is a good time to enter. This is our current approach.

Coinwire Admin: It’s going to take lots of efforts attracting non-crypto investors though. But the team is now still building, still marketing, still surviving. It’s more than a good sign of a solid project. Talking about being a solid project

Ezio: Yes, we will work it out!

Q4. Security is an aspect we can never omit, how does the team ensure security on their protocol?

Ezio: An inevitable question isn’t it. Security is important. Our protocol does have fundamental contract security assurance. From passing auditing from solidity finance and being completely open sourced on codes. But as a starting project it needs time to grow. So I will say that I always trust the team. As the project develops we will strengthen the security level by improving our devs profile and investing more on security check. Meanwhile, we also encourage users to identify issues existing in our protocol and we will reward them as much as we can. In conclusion, security walls are not built in one day or in an hour. It takes time, for the teams and the community together to build

Coinwire Admin: Sure, having the audit right away is the right approach. Is the bug bounty program officially announced or is it known within your community?

Ezio: We already have it. And it is going to launch in a few days

Coinwire Admin: Great! Alright here’s the final question for StrategyX:

Q5. For a leverage-yield protocol which has just launched, what is the roadmap and future development plans?

Ezio: For the roadmap. We have a detailed roadmap on our docs page. At present, the team will focus on product perfection. And we do have future bridging plans on other chains. Right now, I prefer step by step to accomplish our minor and major milestones. To let the community notice that we are making the protocol better.

Coinwire Admin: Check it out fam!

Coinwire Admin: With this we are now at the end of our AMA session with StrategyX Finance🔥🔥🔥

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Ezio: Hodl $STAY, Hold the Future. Stay Hodl, $STAY Mooned. Thanks guys. And thanks again to Fantom Daily

Coinwire Admin: Thank you Ezio for coming on and talking about StrategyX Finance! Hope we can see more of you guys when the bull comes đź’Şđź’ŞTake care man