Summoners Arena AMA Recap

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BSCDaily hosts Summoners Arena: #Gamefi #Summoners Arena #BSCDaily #BSC

autoshark banner 26_11_2021

BSC_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today?

Zoe: I am doing great! Pleasure to be here today.

BSC_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA?

Zoe: Yes, let’s go.

Q1: Now to start the AMA, please have a quick introduction to the community. What is Summoners Arena all about? Where did the idea for this project come from?

Zoe: Summoners Arena was launched by Onechain (founded by founders of Onesoft and Sonat) together with Zitga Studio. Onechain has a mission of bringing successful games in the traditional market to blockchain space.

As you all probably know, Summoners Arena is an innovative idle-RPG game built on Binance Smart Chain, integrating DeFi and NFT with a focus on an economy-driven format. This format requires players to strategically plan their resources, items, characters and formation to maximize their gaining.

So we could say that Summoners Arena is heavily based on the decision-making of the players, making it the perfect fit for the current Blockchain and Crypto uprising.

The idea for this project, or let’s say how we come up with Summoners Arena is not a newly-formed idea actually. Summoners Arena is the result of our vision to establish a blockchain version for an already successful traditional game, Summoners Era, as we see a perfect fit of our idle-RPG model to the gamefi world.

Q2: Can you tell us a bit about the team and their experience with crypto projects?

Zoe: As mentioned, Summoners Arena was built on a traditional version called Summoners Era, and our team are the great people that brought the success to this game. Our core team members have several years working in the traditional gaming industry and they share the same passions for game development.

Apart from the experience of the team, Summoners Arena is backed by top companies in the gaming space which are Onechain (founded by founders of Onesoft and Sonat) and Zitga. We are also on-boarding top partners in crypto space too. Wondering who they are? We will share more details on Telegram ANN and Telegram Chat/Discord soon.

Q3: Can you walk us through the uniqueness of Summoners Arena?

Zoe: As the game is developed from an already-established game with a strong user-based, Summoners Arena has had vast experience in community building, graphics, lores and character development. Moreover, Summoner Arena’s play-first model puts heavy emphasis on well-developed gameplay and user experience, allowing it to differentiate from the usual earn-first P2E model of most GameFi projects.

Summoners Arena’s play-to-earn system is also meticulously calculated and designed to ensure that players at all levels and purposes have the opportunity to earn. Furthermore, the game’s P2E mechanism is carefully scaled to prevent hyperinflation.

Q4: How do you approach your marketing to increase Summoners Arena users in the future? 

Zoe: Generally, our targeted users would be GameFi players and traditional game players. We want to convert the traditional gaming communities into the GameFi community, or at least provide them with a potential option for playing, earning and enjoying the game.

It is undeniable that the gamefi trend is booming now, and there are plenty of games in the markets. When looking from the gamefi players’ perspective, we understand that in order to grow in the long term, we must maintain the trust from the users and gradually enhance our exposure in well-known & reliable communities. Hence, we are focusing on expanding our prominent backers from both the non-crypto & crypto world.

For any marketing steps to be implemented, we need to assure that we are doing it right with the right partners and in all appropriate channels. Moreover, a free-to-play version will be published for the players to experience the game and earn free summon. Players are able to own their decision-making rights and choose whether to play the official version or not, without paying any initial fee!

For our traditional gaming communities, it is definitely more important to let them know how easy they could enjoy the game just like what they are already doing right now, and learn about the earning perspectives from the game. Again, our free-to-play version would essentially give them a whole package for the experience of buying-selling NFT, playing and earning, etc.

Needless to say that we also have many marketing plans to pave the way for all the users to be ready for the game before it is officially launched by kicking off introduction events, series of game stories, community interactions, etc. All of our social channels are fully utilized. You guys may want to join our very first Airdrop activities in our Telegram channel now 😉

Link to join the airdrop here:

Q5: Let’s dive into your token. Tokenomics & use cases? Where and how can the community buy your token?

Zoe: Summoners Arena will adopt $SAE (Summoners Arena Essence), BEP20 token, as its governance token and $ASG as its in-game currency.

✅ $SAE will be used for unlocking & upgrading summoners, paying fee, staking and for governance purposes.

$SAE limited supply; and centralization of the token allocation helps developers balance tokenomics and capture token value.

✅ $ASG is the payment currency for in-game activities (summoning new heroes, merging items, etc) and acts as main incentives in the secondary market.

Where and how can the community buy your token?

We haven’t announced any information about where and how to buy Summoners Arena’s token so far, but it is coming very soon.

More details about the $SAE token sale will be announced on our official media channels this month.

Make sure to follow to get the most updated news 🔥

Q6: Let’s talk about marketing plan, partnerships & influencers that you are collaborating with.

Zoe: Our marketing strategy has many dimensions, and we are trying to establish a thorough and comprehensive process for it to make sure that we could give the players, communities and partners the best elaboration on the games’ potentials and uniqueness.

Regarding the partnerships & influencers, we are not allowed to reveal much at this time. However, we are confident that we have always been aiming at working with credible and prominent traditional gaming partners as well as crypto partners.

But if you guys want to find any clues, then take a sneak peek on our Telegram ANN ( and Telegram Chat ( Discord (

Q7: What are the project goals? Can you share with us your roadmap in the next 6 months?

Zoe: We are going to launch our 1st NFT Sales very soon now, in December to be exact. Followed by the NFT sales is the beta version which will be launched by the end of the year.

Our team is buckling down to prepare for the important milestones coming in January so that our beloved users can start to play and enjoy our game. Please stay tuned and be updated on our social channels!

Speaking of our goals, as we have been successful with our traditional version, we definitely aim at long-term goals for our Summoners Arena.

We are already on our way to deliver an NFT game with speed, flexibility and ingenuity. Amazing game experience, well-structured mechanism and stable play-to-earn model are our top priorities. Furthermore, Summoners Arena would like to pave the way for traditional gamers towards an easily accessible blockchain game with a well-developed play-to-earn model.

You can find more information about Summners Arena and our roadmap here:

Q8: Where can we find out more about Summoners Arena on social media?

Zoe: We are on all the familiar platforms that you can easily find here:

– Website (

– Telegram ANN (

– Telegram Chat (

– Twitter (

– Discord (

– Facebook (

– Instagram (

– Youtube (

– Medium (

– Substack (

BSC_Daily Admin: With this, we are now at the end of our AMA session with Summoners Arena.

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Zoe: Thank you all for participating in today’s AMA.

Don’t forget to join our airdrop campaign to get a chance of winning some rare NFT. Find more details here:

BSC_Daily Admin: Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for Summoners Arena.

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