Superhero NFT Wars AMA Recap

cropped Favicon CD 01 01 32x32 1 hosts Superhero NFT Wars: #BSC #SuperheroNFTWars #SNW #BSCDaily #NFT #Superhero

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BSCDaily Admin: Hello and welcome. How are you feeling today?

Rossie: Hello! I feel great today to be here. Thank you! Nice to see you guys!

BSCDaily Admin: We are excited to hear about Superhero NFT War also!!

Q1: Please introduce us to Superhero NFT Wars and the idea as well as the mission behind this project.

Rossie: Yep! Sure, my pleasure!

Superhero NFT Wars (SNW) is a social and smash combat metaverse one-stop infrastructure based on the DND (Dungeons and Dragons) background setting, allowing almost all high-valued but independent NFT communities to join together on this platform with uniformed standards. We want to build an industrial-level social, competing, and collaborating infrastructure for existing IPs.SNW aims to re-empower the NFT market value and become the value benchmark of the NFT industry.

So about its origin, let’s firstly check the following concept design of SNW raid combat scene. As what is displayed on the screen now is a grand assemble of several robotic Avatars, what most stunningly interesting is that their monitor heads, namely the screen of each cyborg, are 8 most well-known projects, like Mekaverse, Cryptopunks, BAYC, etc. We see this kind of organic combination of existing famous projects’ NFT JPGs and robot avatars as the central role of Superhero NFT Wars.

As the name suggests, we are going to resolve one central question that matters to many holders of those projects out there on the market now, about how to further increase the liquidity, usability and application scenarios for the relatively and normally illiquid NFTs. In this sense, we had an idea since the second quarter of this year to design a metaverse aggregator platform for all live NFT projects by providing three unified tools, Tokens, Aviators and Social Space, for all participants, investors, partners, collaborators, and most significantly, the players.

In terms of mission and vision, we cherish the hope that SNW will become the indispensable value-add empowerment platform for the entire NFT markets in three main ways, whitelisting communities and IP strategic partnership, creating a Social Metaspace, and constructing an aggregated NFT Universalization Infrastructure.

Q2: What about yourself and your team? What are your past experiences?

Rossie: Sure. I am Rossie, and I am the Marketing Lead of SNW, I have been engaged in Crypto for more than 4 years from 2017. Previously I had project experience with DeFi, NFT, GameFi, etc in blockchain industry.

Our core team leader Shimura is also the head of,  first actively participated whitelisting community of SNW, and in our previous official migration with SNW team, we are now switching to be a grand partner networks, with all other core team members of  SNW (including me) are all web3.0 geeks, professional GamFi designers, traditional gaming and GameFi enthusiasts, and Blockchain dedicators with a diverse background from Ubisoft (developer of <Assassinʼs Creed>), Binance, Tencent, United Coasts Entertainment,, Google and Timi Studio Group (developer of <Honor of Kings>) and others.

Our team has set an entrepreneurial record for blockchain games, attracting more than 1 million daily active users within 3 months of launch. And one stunning record is that our ex-Ubisoft and Supercell co-partners have joined traditional gaming hype by participating in designing game engine, game development and operation of the mostly well-known games, includes but not limited to <Assassinʼs Creed IV>, <The Crew>, <Sonic Sega All-stars> and <Farcry 4>.

And this time, with “SNW”, we are targeting at a much higher goal by launching the fully community-driven game to be the pioneer in its own space.

Q3: Let’s talk about your Hero-NFTs. The community can mint the HERO-NFTs and display various JPGs onto their television heads. These JPGs can come from renowned projects such as CryptoPunks, BAYC, Mekaverse, etc. So tell me, will this violate any copyrights rules or regulations? Can people apply any JPGs onto their HERO-NFTs, say a cat’s JPG?

Rossie: Let me answer the second question first, ohh yes. Anyone can do it, upload your JPGs/PNGs onto the monitor head of HERO-NFTs to enjoy this binding always coming with higher liquidity, usability in our ecosystem and functionalities. Just like a person uploads an avatar head portrait to their Twitter account or MakerDAO forum as a unique identification mark.

But for the former question, no, it won’t violate any right. Just to illustrate in a relatively straight way is that, we allow this functionality, but only those true owners of those previous giant NFT collections can do this to enjoy the whitelisted community benefits in SNW game settings. In other words, it’s an active, subjective and beneficial act done by NFT collectors, it is not compulsory for binding. All kinds of mystery box purchasers can own a unique HERO-NFT in four specially selected professions and in different rarities, according to their mining power and PVP combat feature points, with or without the JPGs upload.

In this sense, our vision is to build a unified Social Metaspace and Battle DND (Dungeon and Dragon) worldview for all live NFT projects, but individuals, even those with NFT collections, could choose to participate in a “plainer” way or join their “guilds” for a glorious team adventure.

Q4: Let’s talk about your partnerships with NFANs project and European League Star Cards. Are there other huge partnerships in 2022?

Rossie: Well actually the NFANS project has already partnered with our project, and Shimura is the co-founder of actually.

As we’ve explained, Hero-NFTs have the unique certification symbols in many ways for existing NFT communities. Although at this moment, we only vote on ten whitelisted projects, in the future, we are expanding to a truly aggregator metaspace for all NFT collections.

So in terms of the partnership, not only with enormous official intellectual property (including but not limited to all kinds of Japanese giant animations as Naruto and One Piece) authorization and European League Official Star Cards Collections will join on-chain into forming our own Hero-NFT guilds and bond Avators to further improve both sides’ popularity, valuation and rarity as a whole, but also active paid application to be one of the whitelisted projects are welcomed as an additional advertising income channel as well as in-game players to establish their own Guilds.

Q5: Let’s dive into your tokens $SNGold. Can you share with us your tokenomics? And what are some of its use cases?

Rossie: $SNGold is central, unified native platform utility token that is used for joining all kinds of game elements and metaverse settings, as:

* upgrading and empowering Hero by consuming $SNGold;

* upgrading skill cards to obtain more powerful skills for Hero;

* the main trading token for consume in SNW platform and the game.

For users who hold $SNGold for a long term, they will have more privileges to get SNW governance token $GEM in the future. The amount of $SNGold and the period of time users hold will be the main basis that we giveaway $GEM later. We will release our detailed schedule of Tokenomics when we launch $GEM IDO.

Q6: Does $SNG get audited? Where can we buy it?

Rossie: $SNGold aims to deliver maximum transparency using tools such as real-time auditing of Tether USD’s backing and reliability, transparent access to the smart contract, and liquidity pool reserves.

$SNGold will be audited by Certik.Users can exchange soon through swap in the coming month. With designated self-marketplaces launched in Q1 2022, users can also use $SNGold for liquidation or purchasing other in-game elements on our website.

Q7: What can we expect in the next 3 months and in 2022 as a whole?

Rossie: As we are currently launching our airdrop campaign, that’s the most significant thing happening now. You can find more details in the following airdrop post.

After the first grand airdrop campaigns, we are now aiming to finalize the private investment of $SNGold by achieving a valuation of $50,000,000 with $1,000,000 fund investment in the coming week and prepare for another grand IDO campaign on Copper Launch, with the aid of Balancer Intern and Copper Team no later than Feb. 2022.

Before reaching the end of Q1 2022,  we are chasing for a brand-new upgrade of the entire game and Social Metaspace’s scene and settings to be in a two-dimensional pixel way, with the dedication of our internal professional designer and migrated game engine developers from Ubisoft and Supercell.

Right before the upgrading, we might have another round of airdrop campaigns of special editions of Hero-NFTs or $SNGold again, so stay tuned and follow us on Twitter and join our Discord & Telegram community. You will also get unexpected giveaways there.

Q8: Where can we find out more about Superhero NFT Wars?

Rossie: We have launched our official website, and we also have Twitter account, Discord and Telegram channel, you can find the latest news about us there.

Here are our social media links:






BSCDaily Admin: With this we are now at the end of our AMA session with Superhero NFT Wars 🔥🔥🔥

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Rossie: SNW aims to re-empower the NFT market value and become the value benchmark of the NFT industry. We want to build an industrial-level social, competing, and collaborating infrastructure for existing IPs. We will welcome anyone who is interested in our design and our game to join us to grow and develop.

Don’t forget to join our community for the present massive giveaways!

BSCDaily Admin: It was a pleasure having you here.

Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for Superhero NFT Wars.

Rossie: My great pleasure to be here too.

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