SwapSicle AMA recap

BSC Daily AMA 57

cryptodaily.io hosts an AMA with SwapSicle. #SwapSicle #Avalanche #AVAXDaily #AMA

Cryptodaily Admin: Good day to you Tom! Thank you for taking your time to be with the AvaxDaily community!

Tom Wardle: Good day to you Daley! Thrilled to be here!

Cryptodaily Admin: And Thank you everyone for tuning in today’s AMA with SwapSicle!

Tom Wardle: Please can you allow Dale speaking permissions as he will also be taking part 🙂

Cryptodaily Admin: Done! What’s up Dale

Dale: Hey all!

Cryptodaily Admin: The guys just launched their DEX yesterday, so I suggest everyone checking them out here: https://swapsicle.io/

Now, are we ready to start the AMA guys?

Tom Wardle: We are indeed!

Dale: absolutely

Cryptodaily Admin: Superb, so let’s start today’s AMA with the first segment: Q&A with the host

Q1: Please briefly introduce the core members of SwapSicle to the AvaxDaily community. Are you public? What are some of your most noticeable experiences in the crypto space?

Tom Wardle:  So I am introducing our core team here: 

– Lee Co-Founder and adviser to crypto projects and has previously run many businesses, 

– Alan Co-Founder and crypto advisor, 

– Tom CEO chartered accountant with experience at top ten firms and more recently a start up advising tech start ups, 

– Joe CFO who is also a chartered accountant and runs a traditional accountancy firm and a specialist crypto firm, 

– Jake Head of Marketing who has lots of experiences with tech startups, 

– Dale Head of Commercial who has years of experience in commercial operations in IT and Tech and has been full time DeFi since DeFi summer , 

– Rorrie Engineering Manager – lead developer  at some of the top Appstore games, 

– Bryan Head of Business Development – Ex real estate investor and professional trader

We are all fully doxxed as per our Whitepaper and you can find us all on LinkedIn. We believe that transparency and accountability is key for the community

Cryptodaily Admin: Great team you have there! I love the transparency you bring to the space right off the bat with a fully doxed team

Tom Wardle: It’s what we pride ourselves on!

Cryptodaily Admin: Let’s move on to knowing the project itself:

Q2: What is SwapSicle about? What value does SwapSicle try to bring to crypto users?

Tom Wardle: Our mission statement is made by the community for the community. We are a fully doxxed team looking to create a professional standard in the DeFi space. As a team we all have very unique  experiences which when brought together gives us an edge over our competitors.

Dale: Yeah so we are very passionate about our tokenomic model, and bucking the trend of the farm and dump model that has been rinsed and repeated for too long now. The way we will achieve this is through a limited max supply of less than 50% below our competitors and also a multitude of buy vectors built in. We aim to become deflationary as efficiently as possible. Ultimately this is what will create value for the POPS token and encourage users to hold.

Cryptodaily Admin: First of all, I’m curious what you mean by “By the community and for the community”, does that mean the community has been having their inputs since the very beginning of the projects?

Tom Wardle: Later down the line we are looking to create a governance utility for POPS holders essentially making the Swapsicle platform a DAO allowing users to vote on proposals.

Dale: In addition to this we have a unique feedback loop of trading fees to encourage protocol owned liquidity and reduce mercenary yield farming. in essence, a bonus for the protocol to hold its own liquidity to be traded through, straight to their treasuries

Cryptodaily Admin: Thumbs up for this mechanism 👍 How do you plan on keeping the buy pressure though? Because as an investor, I can’t imagine having anything stopping me from selling to take profits

Dale: This will be taken care of through the scarcity created by a deflationary token model and more utility than the token supply allows for, essentially creating buy pressure. Buys are only 1 element of an upward trending chart. Some of the greatest protocols on the planet have been undone from a value perspective through hyperinflation. We will not be one of those

Cryptodaily Admin: That’s assertive! I like it. Right, so I have to ask about the timing here: DEXes have been in the space for quite some time now, furthermore, we’re in a BTC-9-consecutive-red-candle time

Q3: Why do you launch a DEX now? How do you plan to make a name for SwapSicle?

Tom Wardle: With the unfortunate events that have been happening in crypto such as the LUNA collapse and multiple rug pulls we have heard the communities concerns for safety and security. With our approach of transparency and moving the decision making via a DAO we are giving the power back to the community. While it isn’t the greatest of conditions to launch, the community needs this. We have an amazing marketing partner called Zebu who we are actively working with to push out multiple marketing campaigns via influencers and new outlets. We are also attending multiple events, such as Permissionless that I was at a couple of weeks ago as well as being one of the headline sponsors at Zebu Live with NEAR, AVAX, AAVE etc. Once we have successfully engaged with the AVAX community, our cross chain strategy will go live to start pulling liquidity from other chains.

Cryptodaily Admin: not to mention, you’ve been in multiple spaces talking and educating about DEXes as well. Keep doing it! we need more education on this matter

Tom Wardle: Exactly, we pride ourselves on educating the community about how to utilize our platform efficiently and want to enable retail investors to feel more confident in the DeFi space.

Cryptodaily Admin: So you just launched the DEX yesterday

Q4: What are your major features being released with the launch and how do users benefit from them?

Dale: LP Farms- browse our available incentivised pools under the farm tab. Provide both currencies to the pool in a 50/50 USD ratio. Take the SLP token you receive in return and stake that in the farm for more POPS tokens. Ice cream Van- This is a mechanism that rewards POPS holders just for holding them. Head over to the Ice Cream Van tab and stake your POPS to receive a portion of all of the trading fees from the DEX. If anyone has any issues or would like to know more we have a document called “level up your crypto”. I am also always hanging around discord to chat

Cryptodaily Admin: So the Ice Cream Van is your staking platform?

Dale: It is indeed. Earn POPS, hold POPS, earn trading fees, Thats a win win 😁

Cryptodaily Admin: There’s also liquid staking, I believe it’s catching on quickly these days. Would you mind explaining why SwapSicle didn’t head to that approach?

Dale: Yes that is something that will be implemented as we have a token called sPOPS that will be available on receipt of a deposit into the Ice cream van, These can be utilized across the Defi ecosystem

Cryptodaily Admin: Oh cool. 

Dale: That would give people the opportunity to take a collateralized position that repays itself due to the natively yield baring nature. 

Q5: What are some of your tokens’ use cases?

Dale: Firstly the tangible value most are looking for is financial upside right? That, we believe will be evident quite quickly,  not based on speculation but a team of passionate professionals. Also we are very keen to give the POPS token holders equity into the projects and services we team up with purely by being POPS holders. From incubation projects like the decentralized Coinbase ventures model ,funded and decided on by the people that own the protocol which are the POPS holders. NOT US. To name just a few

Cryptodaily Admin: That’s nice! You’ve been talking about rugpulls and attacks and collapse of other projects,… all of which shall not be the case for SwapSicle

Q6: Are there any audits with SwapSicle’s contracts? In case of an attack, will there be any insurance package to compensate for the losses?

Tom Wardle: As mentioned previously, security and transparency are of the utmost importance to us. We are fully CertiK audited and have had the contracts rechecked by 2 separate developer parties.

Dale: As for Insurance, This is something that has been discussed at length and we are keen to develop a community owned insurance protocol that protects against just that! Watch this space over the coming months

Cryptodaily Admin: Amazing, check out their website: https://swapsicle.io/ for more details about the audits chat! I think it’s time we talk about some exciting news about SwapSicle!

Q7: Who are your major partners currently and possibly in the near future?

Dale: So our official partners are Grape Finance, they are the number 1 algorithmic pegged protocol on avalanche and we are super proud of them for passing 10M in TVL. Also we have a partnership with BiggerMinds who are striving to achieve sustainable passive income on the Avalanche blockchain. We recently helped them overcome security issues by paying for a Certik audit for them. We have a great relationship with our partners and have HUGE partnerships in the works with blue chips

Tom Wardle: We have some super exciting announcements to make over the next few months so it’s really key to keep notifications on, on our socials!

Cryptodaily Admin: Now that’s what the community wants to hear 🤩🤩 Here we go! Join their socials, show them some love:

1️⃣Discord: https://discord.com/invite/swapsicle

2️⃣Twitter: twitter.com/SwapsicIeDEX

Q8: What is being developed right now and will be released in 2022?

Tom Wardle: We are currently looking to implement a lending protocol and governance DAO utility to the platform as well as going cross chain over the next few months. We also have other products to add to our ecosystem over the next few months which you’ll have to keep a sharp eye on.

Dale: Also as we have mentioned we will be running a community launchpad giving POPS holders access to some of the most exciting future protocols on Avalanche. POPS in your wallet will be a prerequisite for entry

Cryptodaily Admin: Crowdfunding, I love it

Tom Wardle: We are also looking at the possibility of an on/off ramping solution for the DEX 👀We’re building a community Defi HUB, not a DEX! we are so much more

Q9: Are there any major events like the presales that you had that we could join at the moment? How do we get to know more about you?

Tom Wardle: We will keep everyone up to date with future releases and potential whitelist opportunities. These will be exclusively for POPS holders! Keeping notifications on will be key for following us over the next few months. You can join our discord channel and interact with the team and find all our crucial documents such as the Whitepaper and tutorials as to how to use the platform.

Cryptodaily Admin: What a time to join SwapSicle! keep yourself updated with SwapSicle because they are here to build!

Cryptodaily Admin: With this we are now at the end of our AMA session with SwapSicle🔥🔥🔥

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Dale: Thank you so much for tuning in and please do go over to our discord for the latest news and giveaways!!

Tom Wardle: You can head on over to our DEX and buy POPS right now! We only launched yesterday so plenty of rewards to be eaten up! Also thank you so much Daley for having us today! It’s been a pleasure!

Cryptodaily Admin: It has been a blast indeed! Thank you guys for coming on and talking about SwapSicle – a community driven DEX! SwapSicle still has tremendous rooms to grow and with a great, public team, I believe you can achieve everything you set out to do. All the best guys and take care 💪

Tom Wardle: Thank you and have a good day everyone!