Talent Protocol Acquires Agora Labs To Support The Next Generation Of Builders

Talent Protocol Acquires Agora Labs To Support The Next Generation Of Builders




Agora Labs, a platform for creators to create and scale their communities using social tokens and NFT infrastructure, has been acquired by Talent Protocol, the web3 professional community for high-potential builders. The acquisition will bring Agora’s tech stack, community, and young, talented founders, Matthew Espinoza (CEO) and Freeman (CTO), into the Talent Protocol fold.

Despite only being a year old, Talent Protocol saw this acquisition opportunity as an additional way to further its mission of assisting tomorrow’s builders. Pedro Oliveira, Filipe Macedo, and Andreas Vilela founded the startup, which has been actively enabling ways to empower talented tech professionals with an entrepreneurial mindset and an interest in exploring web3.

Matthew Espinoza, Freeman Zhang, Jerry Di, and Charles Nyabeze, four young builders who decided to forgo their careers and start their own Web3 company, founded Agora Labs in 2021. This acquisition by Talent Protocol, which will welcome 20-year-old Matthew (CEO) and 19-year-old Freeman (CTO) to its team and supports their early but valuable careers, is the result of a little more than a year’s worth of work.

Pedro Oliveira, co-founder and CEO of Talent Protocol, explains: “Agora Labs’ mission and team fits perfectly with what we are building in Talent Protocol. In a very short time, Agora’s talented team has created tools and infrastructure that serve several of the needs of tokenized creators and that is something we found truly remarkable and relevant for our own community. Talent Protocol and Agora Labs’ paths crossed earlier this year and when we saw the opportunity to join efforts, we took it”.

Talent Protocol has more than 150,000 users who have already signed up to build professional profiles, connect with like-minded people, and take advantage of exciting opportunities. Members can also start a token for their careers, turning ad hoc connections into committed backers. A Talent Protocol account provides priority access to opportunities, mentors, and a community that can help you succeed in web3.


