The Base Guide to Governance Proposals

The Base Guide to Governance Proposals

Since the testnet launch, dapps and community members have been eager to support bringing new products to the Base ecosystem. Many dapps, especially those governed by DAOs, require a formal governance process to deploy on Base. Writing a proposal is the first step in helping community members make decentralized decisions.

Base has an ambitious vision: bringing the next billion users onchain. Achieving this vision requires the support and collaboration of the entire space. This guide breaks down the why, what, and how of bringing a dapp or protocol to Base.

Why Write a Governance Proposal?

Deploying on Base allows protocols to increase their user base and contribute to building a richer onchain economy. By engaging with your community and confirming that you are the right person to submit the proposal, you can ensure thoughtful and measured consensus building.

Examples of Governance Proposals

  • Uniswap: Deploy Uniswap v3 on Base
  • Aave: Aave V3 Deployment on Base
  • Moonwell: MIP-39: Activate Moonwell on Base Mainnet
  • Balancer: Deploy Balancer to Base

Note: Coinbase does not endorse, support, or promote third-party governance proposals. The links above are shared only for informational purposes.


Base is designed to be a secure, low-cost, developer-friendly L2 that simplifies the process of building onchain. It is built on the open-source OP Stack and aims to be a permissionless, open ecosystem where anyone can build or participate. Base is incubated within Coinbase but aims to progressively decentralize.

Recent Achievements

  • In the first week of Base testnet, approximately 18K developers deployed 55K smart contracts.
  • The “Base, Introduced” NFT to commemorate the testnet launch had ~485K mints.
  • During the Base Builder Quest, 1.1M wallets deployed smart contracts on Base to mint the commemorative NFT.

Authors can refer to BaseScan and Base Blockscout, as well as dashboards from analytics providers like Flipside.

Benefits of Deploying on Base

Access to Coinbase Ecosystem

By deploying on Base, protocols can reach users and assets within the Coinbase ecosystem. Coinbase supports customers across 100+ countries, and a growing number are expected to come onchain as the dapp ecosystem matures.

Multichain Vision

Base is built on Optimism’s OP Stack with the vision of creating a standard, modular, rollup agnostic Superchain scaling Ethereum. By building on Base, protocols can integrate with the eventual Superchain and interact with users across multiple chains.

Vibrant Decentralized Ecosystem

Base aligns with the values of Ethereum and champions decentralization and permissionlessness. As the second core dev on the OP Stack, Base contributes resources to improve the underlying infrastructure and accelerate onchain adoption across the ecosystem.

Key Value Propositions & Core Principles

Key Value Propositions

  • Secured by Ethereum: Base leverages the security of Ethereum and Coinbase’s best practices, enabling protocols to confidently onramp into Base from Coinbase, Ethereum L1, and other interoperable chains.
  • Empowered by Coinbase: Base provides access to Coinbase’s products, users, and tools, with seamless integrations, easy fiat onramps, and powerful acquisition tools.
  • Big Features, Small Fees: Base offers full EVM compatibility at a fraction of the cost, enabling gasless transactions for dapps and multichain applications with easy-to-use bridges.
  • Open Source: Base is built on the MIT-licensed OP Stack, aiming to be decentralized, permissionless, and open to anyone. Together with Optimism, Base works to create a thriving developer community.

Core Principles

  • A Bridge, Not an Island: Base provides easy, secure access to Ethereum L1, other L2s, and other L1 ecosystems. It is a bridge for users into the crypto ecosystem.
  • Decentralized & Open Source: Base is committed to full decentralization over the coming years, progressing from a Stage 0 to a Stage 1 rollup in 2023 and a Stage 2 rollup in 2024.
  • For Everyone: Base aims to be an open ecosystem, seeded with Coinbase products, users, and assets, and working with the broader community to bring the chain to life.

Default Bridge Information: L1<>L2 Messaging

Base reuses Optimism’s native Bedrock bridge without modification, which has been audited and secures billions of dollars in TVL on Optimism mainnet.

From L1 to L2

  • Users can send arbitrary messages from L1 to L2.
  • Messages sent to the bridge are included in blocks on L2 by the Base sequencer.

From L2 to L1

  • Users call the bridge contract on L2.
  • L2 state trie root is committed back to a smart contract on L1 by the sequencer.
  • Transactions enter a pending state known as the challenge window.

Between L2s

Base is working on interoperability standards between L2s. For now, users can bridge funds between L2s via the native bridge or third-party bridges.

Fault Proofs and Decentralization

At mainnet launch, Base will run the identical codebase as OP Mainnet, with fault proofs not yet available. Base is working with OP Labs to enhance security guarantees and accelerate the timeline for decentralized fault proofs on the OP Stack.

Vision Ahead

Base aims to bring the next billion users onchain together with dapps and communities sharing their vision. By supporting builders across the ecosystem, Base ensures the cryptoeconomy remains open, permissionless, decentralized, and accessible to all.

Connect with Base

Stay updated with Base on their social channels and documentation:
