The first NFT aggregator vaults will be activated in the DeFi space soon with Pi-Protocol

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The DeFi area is recognized for its ground-breaking methods, which allow any platform to modify something into the blockchain to make it easier for consumers. The Pi-Protocol includes a DeFi-specific innovation that enables the first NFT aggregator vaults. Pi allows you to put your NFT to work rather than letting it collect dust in your wallet. Interested?

Take your NFT and embark on an adventure into the world of PI. Whitelisted project NFT holders can deposit their NFTs into their aggregator Vaults and receive passive revenue! An additional real value for your NFT!

Everything starts with a story 

“Hello… Can you hear me? Yes — I am the old NFT that you bought ages ago and forgot about within your wallet. I have been sitting in your wallet since, without any value, without any use case.” This all changes with Pi Protocol! If your NFT could drop you a message, it would say something along the lines like this…And it is true! 

Pi provides the perfect way in which the individuals can take advantage from. And that is the value of an NFT. Pi bCircle holders can benefit from a 2% TX reward for the infinite bCircle staking pool. bCircle is the collateral NFT to their LPs, and its value is already at 800 USD. Pi is more than just a number; you can find it everywhere – in math, physics, and everyday life. 

The circle number holds many secrets, just like their treasure…and treasures are everywhere, just waiting to be found. When we look back at history, we have been constantly captivated by treasures. Whether it is lost gold, the pyramids, the Sphinx of Ancient Egypt, or even the gold mines in Alaska, they are everywhere! 

Even as we investigate the digital world, we will soon find them — with the geocaching project.

How does the Pi – Protocol has been created?

With a bit of creativity, the crypto space also has a treasure hunt of sorts, but what form does this take? Currently, it is the search for the project with the highest yield reward or the search for the next x100 project, or even the chance to collect rare NFTs. 

If so, many people are driven by the primal instinct to search for and find treasure, why not bring this opportunity one step further and integrate it with Defi? A project with the fascination of treasure hunting while earning money! 

We welcome you to PI-Protocol! PI is a Defi project that includes yield farming for NFTs and “Circles” yet takes this one step further and PI offers not only Vaults, Pools, and “Circles” but also the possibility to get unique NFTs, either through the pools directly or through the PI Treasure Hunt.

Why not combine all of what you love into one platform and add the bonus incentive of a treasure hunt? PI NFT ARTPi is working with a solid partner to deliver continuously awesome NFTs made with a lot of love and provided by BITGRAPHIX. NFT VaultsNFT Holder of whitelisted projects can deposit their NFTs into PI NFT Aggregator Vaults without any other assets and earn a passive income!

What are the benefits that Pi- Protocol provides?

A real value adds to your NFT asset. They will provide low, medium, and high-risk Vaults to use an optimum of leverage levels. NFT / Gamification? Do you want to play a game? Welcome then to Pi. It will take it further and send you on a journey. They will regularly publish puzzles and riddles in the form of various NFT’s. These will then need to be solved or even found by you, the legendary PI Hunters. 

Finders of the NFTs will be rewarded, wherein the “Hunter” can either claim the NFT receive the reward that was posted for finding the NFT. Alpha, Beta, and Gamma NFT will be provided in different difficult classes.

Not enough yet? PI takes it one step further by utilizing additional pools, where user can stake their token Wrapper NFT to participate in the Ecosystem and earn yields on the infinite pool or on classic native Pools. 

Marketplace: Are you missing one of the Circles of PI? Or do you just want to sell your claimed Treasure reward? You can utilize their very own NFT Marketplace! All ERC1155 and ERC721 NFT of PI and Partners Projects will be tradeable.


  • Name: PI Protocol;
  • Symbol: PIP;
  • Supply: 600,000.

Get into the journey and be prepared to take advantage of your NFT!




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 Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.