The Highly Anticipated COOHA Recorded 8x Leap, Official NFT Trading Now Available on CoolMart

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Place/Date: – May 9th, 2022 at 9:43 pm UTC · 4 min read
Source: The COOHA

The blockchain and cryptocurrency industry have been somehow immune from the devastating consequences caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. On-chain GameFi even drew more attention than DeFi, recording over 1 million daily active wallets on average since September 2021.

CoolMining, the world’s first on-chain simulation game that is built upon real-life hash power and the world’s only GameFi that rewards players with actual BTCs, had officially listed its hashrate and governance token CoolHash (COOHA) on KUcoin exchange in April (pairing USDT), together with the opening of its NFT marketplace. The CoolMining NFT has been a hit, receiving over 5,000 applications for its whitelisting activity in only two weeks in April.

The COOHA has been all the rage for the past few weeks too, hitting an eightfold price surge at its highest level.

COOHA Soared Eightfold after Listing

Furthermore, NFTs in the CoolMing ecosystem are available for trading on CoolMart starting from May 9. CoolMart is the CoolMining official NFT marketplace for players to exchange mystery boxes, miner accessories and miners. This means that players can now trade the CoolMing NFT mystery boxes and NFT mining rigs and accessories to acquire better accessories through trading to modify or upgrade their miners, enhancing performance and maximising rewards.

It is understood that the minting of CoolMing NFTs was first made available on April 19, players can mint a CoolMiner NFT by purchasing CoolPart NFTs, where real hashrate power is generated by the CoolMiner NFTs for players to obtain actual BTCs. The higher computing power the CoolMiner NFTs are, the higher the return and rewards. According to information disclosed by a junior miner in the community, the highest APR reached over 1300% which is a really impressive number.

CoolMart Launch Time: 2022/05/09 4AM UTC

CoolMiner is divided into two parts, Market Place and My NFTs.

Part 1 – Market Place

In Market Place you can view and buy CoolPart NFTs sold by other users.

Part 2 – My NFTs

In My NFTs, you can view CoolPart NFTs you own and buy, and you can also sell CoolPart NFTs you own here.

For GameFi and mining enthusiasts who would like to participate in the state-of-the-art on-chain mining simulation game, the following is an ultimate guide for start.

Mystery Boxes

CoolMining’s mystery boxes includes CoolPart NFTs, which are essentially miner accessories that can be used to customise a miner. The mystery boxes are purchasable via our official website using CoolHash.

There are two type of mytery boxes, Essential Hash Parts and Elective Hash Parts.

Essential HashPart Mystery Boxes


Essential Hash Parts Mystery Boxes will include hash board CoolPart NFTs of three rarity levels, R/SR/SSR. The hash board determines the fundamental hash power of a miner.

Elective HashPart Mystery Boxes


Elective Hash Parts Boxes will have control board, power supply unit and cooling system CoolPart NFTs of three rarity levels, R/SR/SSR, respectively.

Different components create different bonus effect on miners’ performance. The bounties largely have to do with reward bonus, CoolGas consumption and transaction fee.

CoolPart NFTs (ERC-721)

CoolPart NFT will be distributed in the form of Mystery Boxes via official website. There will be 4 types of CoolPart NFTs, assigning different attributes to CoolMiner NFTs.

Hash Board: determines the hash rates of a miner.


Control Board: determines the reward bonus of a miner.


Power Supply Unit: determines the CoolGas consumption level of a miner.


Cooling System: determines the claim fee when redeeming rewards.


At least one hash board and at most four non-duplicated components, one from each type, are required to mint a miner.

CoolMiner NFTs (ERC-721)

All CoolMiner NFTs are unique miners minted by players by combining CoolPart NFTs together. The performance of the miners is determined by the attributes and rarity levels of composing parts.


Players are able to customize their own miners by acquiring CoolPart NFTs and minting, or purchasing miners straight away from other players in the CoolMart.

Furthermore, players can disassemble the minted miners into original components.

Operation Process

  • Step 1 — Mint Mystery Boxes to get CoolPart NFTs


  • Step 2 — Enter Miners Lab


  • Step 3 — Enter Accessories and select CoolPart NFTs to assemble into CoolMiner NFTs


  • Step 4 — Enter Miners and you can stake CoolMiner NFTs to mine.


  • Step 5 — Enter Rewards to view the earnings of staked CoolMiner NFTs.
