The Nightly Mint: Daily NFT Recap

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The NFT ecosystem had a quieter day on Wednesday, but there is always action to cover. Shanghai residents are minting NFTs to shed light on current conditions, and there’s drama in a non-Ethereum blockchain NFT marketplace that is causing rifts. Let’s dive into these latest stories from Wednesday’s activity.

The Nightly Mint

Latest Mint: Shanghai Residents

Residents in Shanghai have faced COVID-19 lockdowns, and are headed to OpenSea – with an OpenSea account titled ‘Voice of April‘ minting NFTs that show the inside perspective from Shanghai lockdowns.

The Chinese government has grown a particular stance and reputation around censorship, COVID-19, and even crypto. This latest move from some Shanghai users could very well be a risky one, but one that some individuals see as clearly a way to tell their story.

Related Reading | Singapore Restaurants Accepting Crypto Payments Amid Legislative Resistance

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Terra Luna's Luart could be on the way out after community frustration has bubbled to the surface lately. | Source: LUNA-USD on

Terra Luna’s NFT Ecosystem Faces Growing Pains

We don’t often cover NFTs on growing chains as much as we should here on The Nightly Mint – however on a slower newsday on Wednesday, it was Terra Luna who faced NFT challenges through one of it’s major marketplaces, Luart.

Like many growing blockchains, the Terra Luna NFT ecosystem is a young one, with a variety of marketplaces that are grappling for the top spot, such as Luart, Random Earth, and OnePlanet. Luart has faced challenges recently, with some users trying to take advantage of a low-balling mechanic, among other issues. The marketplace held a ~3 hour AMA on Twitter Spaces today that apparently was a disaster, according to community members.

The ‘Minty Fresh’ Take

There are few guarantees in this space.

Related Reading | Crypto Legalisation Still Unsure In Pakistan?

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The writer of this content is not associated or affiliated with any of the parties mentioned in this article. This is not financial advice.