The Payment Solution Revolutionizing the Crypto Scene

The payment solution revolutionizing the crypto scene

Thanks to the unparalleled growth of the crypto world, it’s not only new initiatives that aim to enter the industry, but also traditional, well-established companies claim a piece of its success. However, most of them seem to be missing the point, and not matching expectations. There are very few projects that managed to exceed those forecasts and to take the lead—read on to see how.

An ever-changing crypto world

It should come as no surprise that the crypto world is one of, if not the most rapidly changing industries today. Entirely new ecosystems and thousands of tokens emerge every single day, but most of them fail very shortly after their inception. The reasons for that are actually quite clear: the majority of them lack three of the main cornerstones of success, namely an ambitious vision, a unique selling proposition, and a supreme team. While there are other elements that need to be present in order to prevent failure, these are the most crucial ones. If a project misses even one of these, its chances are drastically decreasing. Without a concrete goal that unites, it’s impossible to keep everyone on the same page throughout the journey. Not having anything special about the initiative makes beating competition hardly achievable. Lastly, even perfect targets and clear differentiation are basically worthless if there is no team that combines them into success.

Payment solutions, the most promising sphere

With all the hardships of entering the ever-changing crypto world in mind, let’s narrow our focus down to payment solutions, the most promising sphere of all. The concept of payment solutions has already proven to have massive upside in the world of centralized systems: think PayPal, Visa, Stripe, Mastercard, and the likes. Cryptocurrencies’ decentralized space also recognized this potential; in fact, Bitcoin itself was called to life partially because of the redundancy and inefficiency of traditional solutions. Based on the above, it’s easy to see why this is called “the sector that has the potential to reach true global adoption” by many experts.

Needless to say, with promising great opportunities come fierce competition—that’s the theory, at least. In reality, however, entering this possibly lucrative sphere is not as easy as it sounds. Because centralized systems had a lengthy head start, decentralized projects need to think outside the box and come up with nothing less than revolutionary solutions to stand a chance in the race, which, unsurprisingly, not many of them manage. Enter Tangi, the one that did it.

Tangi started with getting the basics right. It assembled a world-class team of industry experts, who formulated a clear vision to become the #1 crypto payment provider worldwide and then derived a unique selling proposition in line with this goal to get a grip early on.

Their differentiation is actually quite smart: initially, they focus on a huge sphere that desperately needs modernization, but was left untapped by centralized competitors. This is the legal cannabis industry, a $250B space where most users are still using cash as the basis of transactions. Tangi is here to change that with a nationwide rollout of its crypto payment solution that is not only specifically designed to serve the needs of such customers and retailers but also reward them for their participation. Thanks to its backbone ecosystem that leverages the best of blockchain technology, Tangi is capable of global scaling without major modifications along the way. Unsurprisingly, recognizing its potential was not hard for the early adopters, as their first seed investment round sold out extremely fast.

Final thoughts

Entering the fast-paced crypto world is not easy in itself, but doing so in its most competitive, payment solutions sector is nearly impossible. Despite the odds, Tangi has managed to secure its place already and develop a solid follower base that will help the project reach its ambitious goal of becoming the #1 crypto payment provider worldwide. If you’d like to learn more about Tangi, visit their official website, where they also outlined the details about the upcoming investment round for those who’d like to join their success story early on.