Through Staking Rewards And BNB Dividends, the IOX Token Offers A High APY Per Day

Through Staking Rewards And BNB Dividends the IOX Token Offers A High APY Per Day




A new decentralised application (Dapp) for staking, IOX offers all users a fantastic return on their investment. Users can receive staking rewards and a portion of the BNB dividends produced by the daily auction lobby through IOX.

The IOX ecosystem wants to provide native token holders with as much benefit and return potential as possible. The native DApp, where users can buy tokens with Binance Coin (BNB), is the only place to buy the IOX token.

A user will start to earn interest in IOX once they start staking their token. Users will nevertheless receive a portion of BNB dividends. Users may create as many stakers as they like, but each stake can only last 300 days.

Higher interest rates are possible with longer stakes in IOX. Throughout the staking period, staking rewards and BNB dividends will continue to accrue. Users, however, can sell their unfinished stake at the price they choose if they would rather.

The IOX Dapp also has a referral programme that rewards both the referrer and the referred user. It is a fantastic way to give this ecosystem more traction and encourage more users to investigate the DApp and its features for themselves.




The only way to obtain IOX is through a Daily Auction Lobby, so there is a vast potential for BNB rewards. To reward all stakers fairly, the team will stake pool 94% of all BNB earnings. Once the staking period is over, dividends earned from staking can be withdrawn.

The remaining 6% of BNB entering the ecosystem will be used by IOX for ongoing ecosystem development and growth, future token buybacks, and other uses.