Transient AMA Recap

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BSCDaily hosts Transient: #smartcontract #Transient #BSCDaily #BSC

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BSC_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today?

Transient team: Hey! Really excited to be here! Looking forward to dropping some breaking news during the AMA!

BSC_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA?

Transient team: Let’s do it!

Q1: For the ones who have no clue about what Transient was and have seen your project intro, share with us why you believe the project will thrive. Pointing out differentials and concrete reasons for it.

Transient team: Great way to start, Transient is the Smart Contracts Global Marketplace – an ecosystem that gives non-coders the ability to create their own Next-Gen Contracts in the digital world. Our goal is to Increase blockchain adoption across every sphere of industry and life.

Unique UX/UI with non-coders being able to create smart contracts, while offering so many different solutions through smart contracts at the same time.

Integrating crypto price prediction, esports market, NDA and smart contracts for non-coders features in one single marketplace is just the tip of the iceberg of what we are already accomplishing in the crypto space. Of course having a global team with various qualified backgrounds also is a huge part of our planned success.

Q2: $TSCT – your utility token is being listed on PancakeSwap TODAY. What’s the use case behind it, why its price may appreciate over time and what do you think its listing on a BSC DEX brings to the table?

Transient team: Liquidity mining, tiering system through staking and other features make it a no-brainer investment – even for the ones that are not necessarily interacting with our dApps on a regular basis.

We have already scheduled 4 different dApps to kick off our own internal ecosystem. TSC-Core (a smart contract for non-coders platforms) is already out on the market (including BSC). CryptoPool – which is our price prediction solution – will be out in mid-December and this will lead up to our main dApp so far which is Esports – that’s coming live on Q1 2022, right together with our NDA dApp.

Each of these will have a differentiated and superior experience for $TSCT holders and particularly our Transient Advanced Tier.

To interact with all of them, of course you will need to hold $TSCT that if you didn’t know is getting listed on PancakeSwap today!

Q3: TSC-Core is your first dapp on mainnet – which is already live, right? Could you help us understand a little bit more of it? Is it focused on retail investors or more like a business solution?

Transient team: That’s correct. Already live on BSC, ETH and HECO!

TSC-Core focuses on standard Smart Contract creation and management and has been adding value to the community from day one. It’s our flagship product and the first proponent of the Transient Network. Some of its features are: depositing, transfering ETH/ERC-20 and also digital signature.

It’s for anyone, anywhere. Business and retail consumers. We do have a video on our YouTube Channel that helps explain one of its use cases – keep in mind that it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Summing up you can make smart contracts without having any coding knowledge.

Q4: Your next dapp coming out is CryptoPool. I’ve seen some YouTube videos and content around it and the name seems interesting by itself but what exactly is it about? Why should the community be hyped about it?

Transient team: CryptoPool, which will be live on mainnet in mid-December, is focused on the ability for users to create their own pools for crypto-price predictions and share in the winnings – with creators being rewarded for their contributions.

As previously mentioned we have a promo going on right now around CryptoPool where you could earn up to 5000 USD per week.

Join our community to know more. It’s coming out in the next few MINUTES!

And we know that some big players in the crypto space have been looking for price prediction pools as a feature but none let you create your own. That’s our game-changing feature.

You will create, engage and earn!

Q5: Besides those first two developments, what’s next for Transient? Is it what the project is all about or still more to come? What can we expect?

Transient team: You would have seen some early tag lines of our ambition to become the ‘Amazon of Smart Contracts’ – we’re definitely not putting ourselves in that category (yet!) but we are hellbent on building a marketplace of where you can come for all your smart contract needs – with accessibility to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Into 2022 you’ll see us hit some of the more traditional fields like insurance, fintech and CFD exchanges simplifying customers lives for the better.

Q6: I’ve seen that you guys are developing a lot of solutions for different markets and seem 100% focused on real use cases. That being said, I believe that partnerships should be a big thing for you guys. Can you share a bit more on that? What partners are already locked in? Anything to disclose for us today?

Transient team: Partnerships are huge for every company and for us it’s no different.

That’s why we already have and are still developing a concise network of partners, including locked agreements with the main players in the Australian and Brazil esports market and the biggest oracle in the crypto business. All of that without even mentioning pooling and payment companies that we are in talks with to provide white-labeled services.

Probably all of them will be announced throughout the next 2-3 weeks. And all of them are big ones. Local (country) markets, crypto market and also traditional companies.

We are all around and you’ll be able to see it all being disclosed soon.

Q7: We all know crypto market work in cycles – at least it has been like this so far. What are your plans for a bear market? How do you think the usage, token and the community will react to a “not that good” market sentiment overall?

Transient team: By building products that are for real-world use cases, we have confidence that we will have the ability to span across multiple industries and multiple demographics.

Whilst our core investor is obviously sitting in the crypto ecosystem, our users and those who continue to build our revenue are consumers and users sitting outside. We think the cross-section of our dApps sets us up for whatever the market conditions might be.

Q8: Where can we find out more about Transient on social media?

Transient team: Basically everywhere. You can pick the platform the better suits you and learn more about our project!






BSC_Daily Admin: With this, we are now at the end of our AMA session with Transient.

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Transient team: Thanks for having us everyone 👋 Great to be here and make sure you follow our socials to be across when we’re live on PancakeSwap!

Thanks for having and make sure to join our Promo! It’s live RIGHT NOW and you have only 24h to join!

BSC_Daily Admin: Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for Transient.

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