Trump Unveils Second NFT Collection: A Must-See for Collectors and Enthusiasts

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Former President Donald Trump Announces the Release of Trump Digital Trading Cards NFT Collection

Former US President Donald Trump has announced the release of the second set of his NFT collection, Trump Digital Trading Cards. The collection consists of 47,000 non-fungible tokens, which are minted on the Polygon blockchain and will continue to be sold for their initial $99 price. Series 2 has different artwork, rarity characteristics, and valuable features, with certain digital cards being unique and others produced in sets with a maximum of 10 copies each and part of limited edition runs. The NFTs feature a cartoonish representation of Trump on digital playing cards, including one where he is seen with a sword and making the heart sign with his hands like the king of hearts from a deck of playing cards. Buyers of 47 tokens can book a dinner with Trump at his Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago, while those who purchase 100 tokens using cryptocurrencies can get dinner and a unique piece of art with a Trump theme. The NFTs also feature a rock-and-roll Trump with an entire leather outfit, sunglasses, and a grill covered in American flag pins.

The Impact on the Secondary Market and Trump’s Financial Gain

Following the announcement, the floor price of the first collection on the secondary market OpenSea decreased by over half, going from roughly 0.4 ETH ($840) to 0.2 ETH ($420). In December 2022, Trump unveiled his first NFT collection, which quickly sold out. A new report from the U.S. Office of Government Ethics claims that Trump made between $500,000 and $1 million from the collection.

Trump’s Future Political Ambitions

The former president appears to be counting on his supporters to stand by him despite the controversy surrounding his NFT collection as he attempts to hold onto his base before the 2024 elections. The move might also indicate that despite legal obstacles, Trump is pressing ahead with his Web3 goals. It is unknown how much revenue the second collection will bring in, but Trump is probably banking on his devoted supporters to support his cause through this new endeavor. The former president also appears unfazed and committed to pursuing his political objectives despite his legal difficulties.


Donald Trump’s second set of NFTs, the Trump Digital Trading Cards, has been released, featuring 47,000 non-fungible tokens minted on the Polygon blockchain. The collection has different artwork, rarity characteristics, and valuable features, with certain digital cards being unique and others produced in sets with a maximum of 10 copies each and part of limited edition runs. While the impact on the secondary market is yet to be determined, Trump is hoping to generate revenue and support from his devoted supporters through this new endeavor.