Under the Hood: Affyn–Newest Blockchain-Powered Metaverse Project

Blockchain Powered Metaverse Project Affyn Notches Multiple Victories 2
  • Affyn launched a blockchain-powered Metaverse project.
  • FYN token can be used in virtual and real worlds.
  • FYN surpassed legacy tokens like BTC.

Singapore-based Affyn has recently launched a blockchain-powered Metaverse project that features a free-to-play, play-to-earn mobile game. By bringing together the superior qualities of augmented reality and geolocation, the platform aims to provide an immersive gaming experience.

Affyn’s native token FYN delivers value in both the virtual and real worlds. In-game, players can participate in events, buy, sell and trade NFTs, and purchase and lease properties with the help of the FYN token. Meanwhile, in the real world, Affyn’s native token can pay for travel, retail, and lifestyle products.

That said, with FYN’s extensive use cases, it has become the fourth most visited and third most searched token. Into its two-week listing debut, it already surpassed legacy tokens such as Bitcoin.

Furthermore, Lucaz Lee, CEO and Founder of Affyn, took pride in this milestone and stated:

It is very heartwarming to be recognized by the community, and we absolutely appreciate their role promoting our project to wider communities. We have worked hard to build a sustainable game economy designed to remain rewarding for both existing and new players forever. Moreover, we really think that everyone can find value in our FYN tokens, whether by playing our game or exploring its use in the real world to pay for any number of new activities. Ultimately, all this progress is the byproduct of the efforts of our community and team, which we can’t overstate enough.

In detail, Affyn’s in-game characters are called “buddies”, which are transferable to other games with different genres. In turn, this makes the platform stand out from the competition. Moreover, players have full ownership of the characters within NEXUS and other metaverses.

In addition, Affyn also released the NEXUS World Trailer via tweet: