Uniglo’s (GLO) Native Token Will Change the Face of Defi, Surpassing Cronos (CRO), Polygon (MATIC) and Tron (TRX)

uniglo token change face of defi surpassing cronos polygon tron 768x512 1

Place/Date: – July 31st, 2022 at 7:53 am UTC · 3 min read
Source: Uniglo

Photo: Uniglo

There’s one new crypto project that has analysts talking, and that’s Uniglo. Its native token, GLO, could have a huge impact on the crypto landscape, and could reshape the industry for the better. It has a ton of great tech that could catch up with and surpass other coins like CRO, MATIC and TRX. The market has been crying out for answers to major crypto issues for some time, and Uniglo goes a long way towards solving them. And the market has also been looking for a coin with huge potential, when many others have been suffering. That’s why GLO has everyone talking right now. Let’s have a look at why…

Uniglo (GLO)

Uniglo, backed by its native token GLO, has a ton of potential. The creators of GLO have come up with a unique proposition that helps solve key issues in the crypto world. It’s a completely deflationary coin that has a strong asset-backed store of value. It allows users to have full faith in its base price and enjoy a coin that gets more scarce over time thanks to a radical dual-burn mechanism. This range of features make it perfect as an answer to growing inflation issues, and analysts think GLO could have a massive future in the space.

Cronos (CRO)

Cronos is the main currency and settlement coin for the crypto.org blockchain. Cronos gives users a range of options that include fast speeds and low transaction costs, as well as access to a fruitful decentralized and open-source public blockchain.

Polygon (MATIC)

Polygon has had an incredible few weeks. At a time when much of the market was faltering, it surged to some impressive gains. That’s because entertainment giant Disney announced they would be using Polygon (MATIC) and it sent a wave of good sentiment through the market. It shows true potential for MATIC to continue gathering mainstream attention, and adds a ton more potential to the wider crypto space. Polygon could be a huge part of crypto’s future, so could still be a good addition to your portfolio.

Tron (TRX)

At time of writing, TRX has had a strong last day or so of trading, claiming back some losses it made in the bear run. And the long-term potential for Tron is still incredibly good, as it aims to connect millions of crypto users with investment opportunities. It’s well-placed to become a mainstream option for those who want to enjoy the benefits of digital investment opportunities.


GLO could make a huge impact in the crypto world, and reshape the face of DeFi for good. It has good potential to rival other key players in the altcoin space, including Tron, Polygon and Cronos.

Find out more about Uniglo here: Website, Presale, Telegram, Discord, Twitter.

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