Uniswap COO Says Traditional Finance Institutions Need To Get Involved In Crypto And Web3

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  • Mary-Catherine Lader says she moved to crypto to be part of increasing financial inclusion.
  • The executive believes TradFi should start engaging in blockchain and Web 3.

Mary-Catherine Lader, a former director at asset manager BlackRock has urged traditional finance companies to get involved in blockchain and web 3. The now Uniswap COO said this in an interview as she explained why she left BlackRock for crypto.

Financial Inclusion

The migration of talent from Big Tech and Traditional Finance to the crypto industry is no longer news. More finance and tech talent is moving to the crypto industry, from college graduates to retired veterans. The inspiration for these moves differs from money to the potential for more growth in equity holdings to the desire to want to be part of a once-in-a-lifetime experience that would change the world.

Mary-Catherine Lader is amongst those who decided to leave comfortable traditional finance jobs and take a risk on crypto in 2021. In an interview with CNBC’s Kate Rooney, Lader revealed her motivations for the move.

Lader disclosed that her motivation for being in finance was to help drive financial inclusion. This drive led her to take on various Goldman Sachs and BlackRock roles. The executive said that in 2011 she became interested in the crypto space as it promised to increase financial inclusion globally. She added that she decided to join Uniswap last year when she realized that the industry had matured to the point where it needed more than just developers but also business experts in moving forward.

“… In 2011, I became passionate about crypto and its promise to open up markets that much more, but it was really early days, and the technology was in a foundational stage, and for someone who was a business person, not an engineer, there wasn’t a lot to do yet, so it really took until last year when I realized so many crypto companies, so many web 3 companies are expanding are reaching more users and really need to now bridge to meet wall street and to bring whether it is real-world assets, other asset classes, onto the blockchain or whole new users into this world of web3 and I believe passionately it is the future, and Uniswap is a big part of that.”




Lader, during the interview, also noted that big traditional finance institutions needed to get actively involved in the crypto space. She revealed that while some on Wall Street are yet to grasp it, Web 3 and blockchain will change the landscape of the financial sector.

Increased Institutional Interest And Participation

Notably, some on Wall Street have noticed and are trying to adapt to the evolving landscape. Banks like JP Morgan and HSBC have both started building around the metaverse.

HSBC, announcing their plans to purchase land in The Sandbox, said, “The agreement opens the door for other global institutions to continue innovating in Web3 as consumer adoption demands more robust experiences in the metaverse through decentralized and gamified offerings.”