Universal Rabbit Hole by Dappio Wonderland – Powerful solution for developers on Solana

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The Solana Foundation in Geneva manages this decentralized, open-source blockchain network. Solana, like Ethereum, is for peer-to-peer transactions, smart contracts, dApps, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Solana’s composability is a problem.

Composability is a method to systems design used to boost adaptability and expedite application development by reusing existing assets and recombining them in novel ways to fulfill requirements. unique user requirements. Single-use systems divide huge projects into smaller, modular “components”.

As you may know, Solana is an exceptional blockchain network. However, the absence of open source resources hinders developers’ ability to design and upgrade programs effectively. And therefore, Dappio developed Universal Rabbit Hole to address this issue.

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So, what exactly is Universal Rabbit Hole?

Dappio is focused on simplifying Solana and attracting great developers to its ecosystem. The team has already integrated major protocols including Raydium, Solend, Larix, Tulip, Orca and many more. Our Composable Framework is available for developers to build DeFi protocols such as Farm, Money Market, Leverage, Swap Vaults,…on Solana. Developers may save a tremendous amount of time by using Universal Rabbit Hole instead of digging into the SDKs for each protocol manually.

Their Universal Rabbit Hole offers a plug-and-play framework “gateway” for a variety of Dapps to developers on Solana. Universal Rabbit Hole enables users to construct their perfect projects on Solana. It is versatile enough to fit Farm, Vault, money market, and other DeFi demands.

The graphic below provides an overview of Universal Rabbit Hole:

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Gateway: This is an exclusive task for Core Developers. Dappio Gateway continues to provide various types of DeFi/NFT applications and simplifies the process by developing a uniform interface. Implementing Dappio Gateway enables Core Developers to attain their full DeFi potential. The benefit of Gateway is that it enables the development of unique and innovative use cases for your projects.

Adapters are especially the responsibility of Protocol Developers. Imagine it as a mobile Adapter that can be connected into any iOS or Android mobile device; this is also a capability of the adapters at hand. Protocol developers may create their own adapters to accommodate new teams in the future who want to develop unique functionality. (That is, employ Pool Adapters to “add liquidity” to the “Raydium” Pool.) The benefit of Adapters increases the protocol’s adoption by DeFi users and the Solana community.

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Dappio Wonderland’s solution to improve Solana system

Composability as a Service (CaaS)

Universal Rabbit Hole makes DeFi / NFT applications “composable” on Solana, allowing anybody on the network to modify and expand upon existing programs. This allows developers on Solana to quickly construct their own projects without having to start from scratch.

The composability of Universal Rabbit Hole enables hitherto inconceivable DeFi / NFT use cases. In other words, Universal Rabbit Hole enables developers using DeFi protocols with simplicity and accelerates DeFi innovation across the whole Solana ecosystem. In Universal Rabbit Hole, it is simple to apply diverse DeFi protocols like Lego bricks. Imagine a developer using Universal Rabbit Hole to link Radium Swap, Saber LP, and Tulip Vaults in order to create an innovative DeFi solution using these services. Such initiatives inevitably result in an expansion of DeFi options and enhanced user experiences inside the Solana ecosystem.


Universal Rabbit Hole serves as a bridge between service providers and all on-chain protocol providers. It simplifies the difficulty of dealing with several protocols, allowing service providers to concentrate on their DeFi application model. With Universal Rabbit Hole managing protocol integration, organizations can place user experiences at the forefront.

Dappio has already integrated main protocols, such as Farm/Money Market/Leverage/Swap/Vaults, on Solana. Developers may save a tremendous amount of time by using Universal Rabbit Hole instead of digging into the SDKs for each protocol manually.

Every SDK is unique. Understanding and communicating with each individual takes time. If your project incorporates numerous SDKs, this time might quickly accumulate. With just a few lines of code, Universal Rabbit Hole significantly decreases the complexity of development. The graphic below illustrates how to decrease this complexity:

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Which groups might benefit from using Universal Rabbit Hole?

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This composable framework will be useful for the following four categories of individuals:
● Core Devs (BUIDL Gateway)
● Protocol Devs (BUIDL Adapters)
● General Devs (BUIDL on DAppes)
● Users (Experience innovated Dapp’s products)

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TA/Issue Pain Point (Before) Solution (After) Example
Protocols Determine ways to efficiently get additional TVL and exposure. Universal Rabbit Hole offers a framework for integrating Protocols in order to construct a service adapter that is modular. Through the Dappio DeFi Platform, Dappio collects additional users to boost TVL.
Developers Limited open source from Protocol on Solana; inefficient to read various SDK to construct. Universal Rabbit Hole reduces the time required to read and test each protocol SDK separately. It is less difficult to construct a Zap-in Function (Swap on Jupiter, Add LP on Saber, Staked on Farm pool) and to make Auto-compounding vaults on Tulip or Francium.
DeFi users Limited DeFi options for Solana. More DeFi innovation protocols are available, and the Solana ecosystem provides a better user experience. More Protocols on Solana may build upon Dappio to provide the finest yields and models for users to choose and earn optimal returns.

These Adapters Are Currently Available

● Raydium (Farm/Pool)
● Saber (Farm/Pool)
● Orca (Farm/Pool)
● Lifinity (Farm/Pool)
● Jupiter (Swap)
● Solend (Money Market)
● Larix (Money Market)
● Tulip (Money Market/Vault)
● Francium (Leverage Farm)
● Dappio (Vault)
More to come…

Future plans

➢ Auditing with partners (Ongoing)
➢ Guideline of interacting with adapters / framework (October)
➢ Guideline of building an adapters; integrate with framework (November)

Technical Improvement
➢ Pluggable adapters implementation (October)
➢ Fee implementation (November)
➢ Configurable state management with multiple input / output (November)

Official links

Website: https://dappio.xyz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dappio_
Telegram: https://t.me/Dappio_wonderland
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ZsVcwV6D57


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