Universe AMA Recap

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cryptodaily.io hosts an AMA with Universe. #Universe #BNBChain #BNB #AMA

Cryptodaily Admin: Hello everyone, I’m your host Daley and welcome back to another wonderful AMA with BSCDaily 👏👏 Today’s AMA is about Universe, and together with universe, Ms. Nancy will be joining us 👋

Nancy: Hello guys! Nice to meet ya!!

Cryptodaily Admin: I see you’re really excited for today’s AMA Nancy! Are you feeling good? 🤩

Nancy: Yes I am feeling great!

Cryptodaily Admin: Why don’t we start the AMA right away then?

Nancy: Let’s get it started!

Q1: What is Universe all about? Give us a little summary

Nancy: Universe is a multi-functional platform that combines DeFi, GameFi, SWAP, Launchpad and DAO. It’s a huge project, and we do our best in all aspects so that the people who believe and support us will not be disappointed.


Universe is a 3D First-Personal Shooting Metaverse battle game on bsc BLOCK chain with AR+VR version. VR devices can be purchased on the official platform by using the $Universe token, VR can be used to enhance the immersive experience of the game.


UNIVERSE will provide a one-stop platform for the evaluation, promotion and access of IDO projects. Provide traffic and support for project developers, data analysis and quality resources for customers. IDO platform governance coins will also be taken for liquidity mining, involving specific economic models such as ido project mortgages, new hits, buybacks, etc.

For me, I think the most outstanding point of the project is giving a new life to NFT. Because usually, NFT is just NFT, there are not many functions of it. But in Universe, we aim to make some differences.


Privacy Swap will use UNIVERSE TOKEN as the basis for value conversion and UNIVERSE as the fuel for buyback. If you want to know more about it, please refer to Privacy Swap White paper for details. Because it is not ready yet.

Cryptodaily Admin: Phewwww I’m just taking my time to digest all these good stuff

Nancy: 😊😊😊😊 I’d love to talk more

Cryptodaily Admin: It is a huge project indeed, with gamefi, one-stop platform and swap feature as well

Nancy: Yup, you get the point!

Cryptodaily Admin: I love what you’re saying about NFTs too, so I figure your NFTs will be the center of it all?

Nancy: Oh yes, for sure!

Q2: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your team? What are your past experiences? Are you a fully doxed team?

Nancy: That will be my pleasure😘

This is Nancy, it is my great honor to be the representative of Universe team and also be the AMA guest for today. I’m the marketing manager of the project, currently I’m based in Singapore. I used to have a lot of international experiences, I went to college in the UK and worked in different countries. And now, my job is communicating between western communities and Chinese communities, translating for them, and doing some marketing plans for different projects. Now I’m bringing greetings from the Universe.

UNIVERSE brings a diverse team of 11 passionate experts to work in different positions, many of them are internationally based. They come from all over the world, such as the Middle East, Mexico, America, Singapore, Mainland China, Germany, and Spain. Our team has various backgrounds in gaming development, marketing and block-chain experiences.

About past experience

For example, one of our DEV John Carew.

He is a Game Lab Supervisor, he is from Mexico, he has 8+ years game development experience and is a specialist in Visual Effects. He was the senior role in developing and managing past games with proven track records. Actually, Universe’ original idea comes from him.

Also, we have done KYC verification of the team, hoping to make buyers more assured.

That’s the brief introduction of our team and I, greetings everyone!!! 😘😘😘

Cryptodaily Admin: Thanks for the warm introduction of the team 🥰 And what I want to know is how Mr. John Carew gathered a team of experts to come together and work on a project like this?

Nancy: Well, that’s a lovely question, let me get you some background information.

Cryptodaily Admin: I mean, based on first impressions, I would think you guys are from a game company, cause the designs of the spaceships do be banging. But the crew was assembled after. Not to mention the VR+AR integration 👀

Nancy: I got you. Actually you are half right! We have our team introduction on our website, so basically, they were working in the same field! Is there anything you would like to know more about?

Cryptodaily Admin: Ah got you! I asked that cause I wanted to know whether the team has a real passion for Universe or not. If they work together, chances are they do and they are serious about this. Often times, P2E games developers are hired so they work for the money, and that I don’t like

It’s important to have the team working close and being passionate that’s all 👌

Nancy: Can’t agree anymore! We are different, let me show you in our following sections

Q3: What is the gameplay of Universe? What can we do in the game?

Nancy: Well, the game is divided into 6 levels of different difficulties. The higher the level, the more the rewards. Each challenge needs to pay a certain amount of Universe. PVE is divided into two modes, single and double, and each NFT can be challenged 3 times a day.

PVE Single-player Mode 

If the level challenge is successful or the NFT blood is finished, the level of challenge will end, and the reward will be obtained. There is a certain chance that a hidden boss will appear in the level. When a hidden boss appears, you can choose to continue the challenge or exit immediately. If you exit immediately, the current reward will be settled. If the challenge fails, the reward will return to zero. But if the challenge is successful, you will get 10 times the reward.

PVE Double-players Mode

Double-player mode is players will be automatically matched by the system and its rewards are more than single-player mode, and as long as a teammate survives and clears the level, both of you can get rewards. If both sides fail, the rewards will be reset to zero. The boss of the double-player mode will appear randomly. If the boss is defeated, both players can get 10 times the reward.

PVP Battle Mechanism

PVP is divided into three battle modes: 1v1, 3v3, and 5v5. The system matches players randomly. To enter PVP, you need to submit Universe as tickets. The winner will return the tickets and get 95% of the loser’s tokens as a winning reward, the remaining 5% is admin fees, and 2% of admin fees will be airdropped to SSR as rewards.

Cryptodaily Admin: Oh I dig this, MOBA is always fun 🤩 I see you talked about your NFTs earlier

Q4: Please talk about your NFT and its utility inside the Universe Star War blockchain game.

Nancy: Yes, sure! Basically you need to get started with holding a certain amount of our Universe token. And also, the main point, as I mentioned, we are giving NFT a new life in this game, so that you need to buy an NFT to be your spaceship for battle.

There are 3 levels of NFT cards, R, SR, SSR (from low to high).

There are four types of spaceships, and each one contains three levels of spaceship cards. There are two ways to obtain spaceship cards, either NFT mystery box or P2P marketplace. The strength of a spaceship card will be differentiated according to the card level, the higher the level, the stronger the function.

NFT needs to be repaired after 7 days of mining for its durability. And also, NFT needs to be repaired after 15 challenges. These take a certain amount of Universe and Kepler as repairing charges. NFT can upgrade as well. If the card is upgraded successfully, the function of attack, blood, bullet attack speed and bullet width will also be improved. However, the upgrade has a probability of failure, the higher the level, the higher the failure probability. But the failure will not make the NFT disappear. Level 1-3 failure, the NFT level will not change, starting at level 4, if the upgrade fails, the NFT will be lowered by one level.

Equip System

Challenge PVE to gain special equipment that has an attribute bonus to NFT. At the same time, it can consume a certain amount of Universe and Kepler to strengthen the equipment. If the strengthening fails at levels 1-3, the equipment level will not change. If you fail to upgrade at level 4-5, your equipment will be reduced by one level. Starting at level 6 and above, equipment will be directly damaged if the upgrade fails.

Cryptodaily Admin: Oh, and you only need 1 to play?

Nancy: Yes, that will do! NFT can be traded, can be a spaceship for battle, to obtain tokens! There will be too much to say about NFT, I can only give you a brief, so come to UNIVERSE to explore more!

Q5: Let’s talk about your launchpad. What problems do you solve? And how can you make sure that projects on your launchpad are good?

Nancy: Let me explain our launchpad from different aspects!

One-Stop Platform

UNIVERSE will provide a full range of services, committed to help other blockchain projects incubation and growth, will bring unlimited opportunities and power to entrepreneurs from evaluation, technical support, marketing support, security and other aspects. At the same time, it also gives investors more security and saves them from dangerous blockchain scams. Launchpad governance tokens will be a medium for the entire ecosystem, involving mining, presale, mortgage, lending, repurchase, marketing and more.

Let the best projects stand out

Blockchain projects are emerging one after another. With the emergence of various DeFi, NFT, blockchain games and other projects, rapid risk assessments and early investments have become a concern for everyone.

At the same time, the project sponsor will also face the risk that a good project will not be accepted, which will stop certain good projects from going.

Therefore, we bring a one-stop service platform for better communication and trust between buyers and developers. Launchpad will be the entry point for new projects, where we ensure security first, and then marketing heat, and the guarantee of good investment for all.

Through our platform, more investors will find those projects with great potential and safety in the early period, so that more people earn profits is our goal and attitude.

Main Problems with current launchpads

As for other similar one-stop service platforms, they charge very high admin fees, which is not conducive to good developers without start-up capital to carry out their project development and ecological construction. In this case, our rule can protect them from this aspect, so that they can focus all on developing applications.

This brings a lot of energy to the project and extraordinary technical support, and they don’t have to think about whether the cost will derail the project, they just need to think about how to develop the technology.

And what we are building is a multi-practice platform, involving ETH, BSC, MATIC, LUNA and other blockchain chains, we will bring better experience to all developers on different chains.

Checking potential projects

To launch on our platform that requires these aspects for entry.

1. KYC certification

2. Audit of contract

3. Listed by CMC in advanced

4. Solid roadmap on track

5. Whitepaper and all social medias

After these, we will have to do some interviews of the project for our investors, to make sure everything is legit and safe.

Cryptodaily Admin: I guess these are the screening process of projects, and then you also have in-depth interviews with the project’s developers yourself. All in all, the Launchpad looks real solid, everything has been planned out, no comment!

Q6: Let’s dive into your token. Can you share with us your tokenomics? And what are some of its use cases?

Nancy: Yes of course, let’s start from the basic information.

Total Supply: 100,000,000,000 Universe




In game, you need to hold a certain amount of token to start our game.

Metaverse Land: Players can use UNIVERSE tokens to purchase Metaverse land and trade them in the game. And also, players can use the land to build a base for repairing and upgrading the spacecraft. For more metaverses to explore, please stay tuned.

Custom weapon system: Players can modify their own spaceships to make them more combative.

The body shield of the spacecraft: there are 3 levels of shield, the higher the level, the stronger the shield.

Including swap and launchpad functions, all of these require consuming our token.

Universe is not just a single ‘token’ for buy and sell, there are plenty to explore!

Q7: Are you audited by any third party?

Nancy: Of course, Universe has been audited by Certik and SolidProof. In addition, Universe has been listed on Coin Market Cap. Let me show you some relevant links:

Certik Contract Audit:  https://www.certik.com/projects/universe


Single audit is not enough, so we double it!

Cryptodaily Admin: Definitely check those audits out peeps! Do your research 🦾

Nancy: For security, this is the original intention and principle of our project. In addition, as you can see, a very important ecology of our program is to provide a safer launch platform for other programs, where we protect the interests of both the program developer and the buyer. Our Launchpad platform is for the benefit of everyone involved. Launchpad is a great way to bring more attention to developers who focus on technology, and our review of other projects also ensure the security of participants’ funds. We are in order to ensure the security of blockchain projects, so the security of our own funds will be more guaranteed.

Q8: What can we expect in the next 3 months and in 2022 as a whole?

Nancy: Alright, let me tell you that from a time period!

In the past, the final season of 2021, we have been

Obtaining Institutional Investments

Holding MSB Financial License

Building our Official Website

And also

Developing our Game

And currently, our plan for the first season of 2022

Listing on CMC&CG

Publishing White Paper

Certik Audit

Team KYC Certification

And what we are going to do in the next few days

The first round of IDO

Public Sale

Selling NFT Mystery Boxes

Listing on Pancake Swap

In the upcoming weeks.

We will be advertising on NASDAQ!!! Hooray!

2022 Q2

More Marketing Advertisements

NFT Staking and Mining

NFT Trading Market Launching

Centralized Exchanges Listing

PVE Gaming Mode Publishing

I can’t guarantee too much, but we have discipline. Everything is on the track and well-regulated. For more information, you can go to check our roadmap on the official website.

Website: https://universeun.com/

Q9: Where can we find out more about Universe?

Nancy: More detailed information is available on our website, and all of the above content is covered in the white paper, or you can search universe on CMC. And here are some relevant links you can follow.

Official Telegram: https://t.me/universeun

Twitter: https://twitter.com/daouniverse

The most important thing! Our IDO will start at 2pm UTC TOMORROW!!!

Cryptodaily Admin: Check them outttttt

Cryptodaily Admin: With this we are now at the end of our AMA session with Universe🔥🔥🔥

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Nancy: Lovely guys, thanks for being here today! TOMORROW 2PM UTC, I will see you guys for IDO and our own ama with DEV

Cryptodaily Admin: Thank you for being here and talking about Universe! Once again Universe IDO at 14:00 UTC march 25th, don’t miss out on this!

Nancy: Lovely to meet you all, and welcome to explore the UNIVERSE!!!

Cryptodaily Admin: It has been a pleasure Nancy! Looking forward to the Universe game!

Nancy: Thank you so much guys. Thank you Daley

Cryptodaily Admin: Take care 👋

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