Unveiling the Truth: Analyzing the Statistics of NFTs on Polygon Chain – Are They Still Relevant?

Unveiling the Truth: Analyzing the Statistics of NFTs on Polygon Chain - Are They Still Relevant?

The Viability of NFTs on Polygon Chain: Recent Concerns and Potential Growth

The Non-Fungible Token (NFT) market has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, with many investors and artists flocking to the space to create and trade unique digital assets. However, there have been recent concerns about the viability of NFTs on the Polygon chain, a popular Ethereum Layer-2 scaling solution. Some have even suggested that NFTs on Polygon may be “dead.”

Polygon, formerly known as Matic, is a Layer-2 scaling solution that aims to make Ethereum more efficient and affordable by increasing transaction speed and reducing gas fees. It has become a popular choice for NFT creators and traders due to its low fees and fast transaction times.

Polygon NFT Marketplace Observes Almost No Growth

Polygon NFTs failed to take off in Q2 and Q4 of last year due to the crypto market’s contagion, thanks to Three Arrows Capital and FTX. However, even after the market recovered in recent months, Polygon’s situation remained unchanged, even as its competitors experienced growth.

While the NFT space is supposed to be changing, Polygon NFTs should be aware of any increase in demand. Initially, this was linked to the larger narrative of minimum use cases presented by NFTs, but this has evolved in recent months. The financialization of NFTs has enabled non-fungible token holders to use their NFT(s) as collateral for loans, providing owners with liquidity.

This increased the trade volume on the Ethereum and Solana NFT platforms. Blur on Ethereum and TensorSwap on Solana have seen the most rise in volume over the last six months. Only Opensea reported modest growth on Polygon.

This is because of two factors. One is the general decline in crypto market conditions prior to the January rise. Two, there aren’t enough traders on Polygon’s NFT marketplace.

The influence of the latter factor ultimately suppressed the bullishness observed between January and March. However, Polygon’s MATIC transactions and network use improved during the same time frame, indicating that the broader market effect had nothing to do with NFT markets remaining subdued.

Several NFT Marketplaces Sales Surge

Despite the fact that the Ethereum blockchain remains by far the most popular choice for minting non-fungible tokens (NFT), other layer 1 blockchains and layer 2 networks have recently seen modest increases in NFT sales.

CryptoSlam data indicates that layer 1 blockchain Cardano, whose token is ADA, briefly surpassed Ethereum scaling platform Polygon as the fourth-most popular blockchain by NFT sales volume.

According to CryptoSlam, as of Tuesday afternoon, Cardano had fallen to sixth place, behind BNB and Polygon, although its 24-hour sales had increased by 86%. CNFT.io reports that trading volume for Goofy Gophers and Spacebudz has exceeded 185,000 ADA (approximately $70,000) over the past 24 hours.

The sales volume of other blockchains, including Solana (SOL), has increased over the past week. On April 22, Solana saw an increase in sales, unique buyers, and unique sellers, primarily due to the release of Mad Lads, which was in such high demand that its minting had to be delayed.