VERTU Debuts the World’s First WEB3 Phone, Flagship METAVERTU, to Make a New Decentralized Revolution

vertu debuts web3 phone metavertu 768x512 1

Place/Date: – September 28th, 2022 at 8:01 am UTC · 2 min read
Source: VERTU

Photo: VERTU

VERTU, the European luxury mobile phone brand, recently announced its new flagship WEB3 phone METAVERTU is opening for reservation on 28th September 2022, and officially launch and open global sales in London on 24th October. If the METAVERTU can be officially delivered on 24th October, it will be the first WEB3 phone on the market today, not a concept one. WEB3 has been very hot on market in 2022, from bitcoin, blockchain, mining, DEFI, to BAYC, WEB3 is an industry that has been breaking people’s inherent perceptions. So will the METAVERTU make the revolution in both mobile phone and web3 industry? We will find it out on METAVERTU releasing day.

VERTU’s Official Teasing Commercial Ads Connotes Centralized Digital Hegemony

In VERTU’s first official teasing commercial ads, it is clear that VERTU is trying to make a digital revolution this time. It can be easily found in VERTU’s video that it makes an allusion to the famous ads 1984 and there’s a man who finally breaks the fruit phone’s supremacy. VERTU is implying that a revolution is about to happen and a new order is soon to be formed. This time, the European luxury mobile phone brand is going to give those phone manufacturers a lesson to learn that they can never make even though they are keeping updating some tiny functions.

VERTU Will Build a 5-dimensional Ecosystem for WEB3, Making Rookie Become OG

A senior crypto player, who has tested this phone in trial, mentioned that METAVERTU is the first WEB3 mobile phone who brought out a concept of CNCOS integrated ecosystem, aims to integrate chips, smart terminals, blockchain, operating systems and high-end services into one phone, and they wants the WEB2.0 users feel seamless and smooth to enter into the WEB3.0 world. It also solves the security problem of digital assets, which is a big issue in crypto world, and VERTU will release some hardcore technologies to support all these functions, looking forward to it!

The official page shows that METAVERTU is opening for pre-order, and they say in the future era, all you need is a WEB3 phone. By pre-ordering now, users will also receive an airdrop NFT with some special benefits.

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