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Solana_Daily hosts VOID: #protocol #VOID #SolanaDaily #SOL

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Solanda_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today?

Rumel: Thanks for having me today. I feel great and am super excited to be here.

Hope everybody is having a great day so far.

Solanda_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA?

Rumel: I am ready, let’s go! 😉

Q1: Now to start the AMA, please tell the community what is VOID in detail?

Rumel: VOID is a Multiplayer PVP game built on unreal engine 5 and running on Solana. it’s 1vs1 up to 5vs5. It contains a campaign mode where you can follow a storyline and do challenging quests and missions. You can play the campaign solo or in coop with up to 4 of your friends.

A huge focus of the game is character customization.

The look and feel of your character will change significantly depending on the NFT items you equip them with.

Everybody wants to look unique and stand out right?

In this game, you can watch players fight in arenas without leaving the game and moving to Twitch for example.

The NFT Marketplace will be found in-game as well.

Q2: Could you give us some reason why should we choose VOID over other MULTIPLAYER ONLINE GAME out there?

Rumel: First of all, we are not creating another NFT Tamagotchi game like many other projects 😉

Our main goal is to create a game with awesome graphics and gameplay for „real gamers“ to enjoy. The P2E part is „just“ a great incentive. Of course, it is for people who are into crypto as well.

It is the first PVP game with a huge focus on character customization, storyline, and PvE content.

Other games currently focus strongly on PVE or PVP only.

Also, we will release new content like NFT Items and new maps on a regular basis to have the community play the game as long as possible.

Q3: Please tell us about $VOID token! What are the token use-case, distribution, and also where we can get/buy it?

Rumel: Total supply of VOID token is 200M. There are a few things you can do with the tokens you earn by playing:

– buy different NFT Items such as arenas/gear/weapons and loot boxes

– participate in ranked matches to earn more tokens

– buy tickets to watch battles in arenas

– create your own clan

– support your favorite gamer/clan

And of course, turn it into real money. 😉

We can not reveal right now where you can buy the token, but it will most likely be a famous CEX right from the start. maybe Solana network 😉

Q4: In VOID, users are allowed to host their own tournaments and establish a personal arena for other players. What are the requirements needed to conduct a user-costumed tournament? Will the creator of the tournament be the one who will fund the event and reward the winners?

Rumel: All you need to host tournaments is an arena. The entry fee for a match will be predefined and will vary depending on the size of the arena.

Similar to a poker tournament. Players buy-in for a certain amount and the arena holder will receive a % of the amount in the pot.

Q5: Why do you prefer Solana to build your project? Then, are there any other network integration plans?

Rumel: As far as I know, Solana has fast and quick transactions at low costs.

Also, it is turning out to be a hotspot for many game developers. At the moment we are focusing on Solana only. But who knows…

Q6: Is $VOID a collaborative effort? If so, what can the community do to help $VOID move forwards? Do you have a governance strategy in place? Is there any way we can help with ambassadors, bug bounties, or contests to encourage further adoption?

Rumel: There are many factors to create a great game. To me, the community is a very important part. I always love to receive feedback, whether it is about the mini-game (launching in a couple of months) or the BETA which will release in late 2022.  informing us about user-friendliness, detecting bugs, etc…and of course, letting their friends know about the project.

We do get tons of messages every day, and I am very thankful for the support we are getting so far. If you have any input about the project, let me know. 🙂

Q7: Could you please explain about your Roadmap, and also what phase is currently ongoing?

Rumel: At the moment we are preparing for the IDO, hopefully on December 8th. The NFT Marketplace will open shortly after that with cool NFT Items to look out for.

Currently, we are quite busy creating the mini-game which should launch in a couple of months. This will be the perfect introduction to the “final” game. At the same time, the team is onboarding KOLs and of course working on the game.

Q8: Where can we find out more about VOID on social media?

Rumel: We do have Twitter, Discord, etc.

Currently, we have ongoing contest, so it’s really worth following our channels. Here is the link to all our channels: linktr.ee/void_dot_games

Solanda_Daily Admin: With this, we are now at the end of our AMA session with VOID.

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Rumel: Thanks to everyone for joining and participating in this AMA. Some questions were pretty similar and hope I you learned something new about the project today.

I am also open to feedback and would love to read them on our Telegram.

Solanda_Daily Admin: Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for VOID.

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