We Burn We Rise – Episode 30: Join Spazzitron McGee, Hyperion, and Rxbbn!

Episode 15 8

We Burn We Rise – Episode 30

Welcome to the thirtieth episode of We Burn We Rise, hosted by Spazzitron McGee, Hyperion, and Rxbbn! This episode is packed with exciting content and special guests.

Special Guest: Elnen, CEO of Tayarra

We are thrilled to have Elnen, the CEO of Tayarra, join us for this episode. Elnen will share insights about Tayarra and what exciting plans they have in store.

For more information about Tayarra, visit their website and join their Telegram group:

Game Talk and More

In addition to our discussion with Elnen, we’ll be diving into some game talk and exploring the latest in the gaming world.

Community Links

Stay connected with our community through these links:


Special thanks to PhoenixPhire and Hyperion for the intro and edits.