Web3 Adoption: Disney and Walmart Go Deeper Into Web3 With An Array of New Offerings

eBay Seals Acquisition Deal Of NFT Marketplace KnownOrigin




  • Web3 adoption grows with Disney’s increasing efforts for an NFT launch and an entrance to the metaverse. 
  • Walmart premieres two new experiences in the metaverse with the rollout of Walmart Land and Walmart’s Universe of Play.
  • As the crypto community grows, users are delighted with more institutional and big firms joining in with hopes of sustainability.

Disney and Walmart are in a frantic race to offer digital asset services to their customers, with the metaverse and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) being a core part of their strategy. 

Disney has intensified efforts to perfect its future Web 3 approach with plans to hire legal counsel to advise the company on the law governing the area. The entertainment giant listed a new Friday role for a lawyer specialising in non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized finance. 

The role comes with the responsibility of the corporate attorney to work on transactions involving emerging technologies, including NFTs, blockchain, metaverse, and decentralized finance.” The ad goes further to state that the lawyer has to ensure that the company’s NFT projects are compliant with the US and international law.

“Assist in performing due diligence for NFT, blockchain, third-party marketplace and cloud provider projects, and negotiating and drafting complex agreements for those projects.”

Earlier this year, Disney revealed its plans to launch the “next generation storytelling” as CEO Bob Chapek explained that the M word (metaverse), ”has a lot of hair on it.” Disney’s next-generation storytelling promises everyone from NFT users to parents and kids visiting the company’s properties a unique mind-blowing visual experience. 




Walmart is not slowing down

Retail giant Walmart is taking its services a step further by introducing new features to its partnership with Roblox. Roblox is one of the largest gaming platforms on the metaverse, and Walmart plans to use its base to introduce its customers there. 

The company has launched two experiences, the Walmart Land and Walmart Universe of Play in Roblox creating a virtual store to increase user experience. Walmart secured seven patents earlier this year in its push to create a unique digital shopping experience. While the virtual store will be on Walmart Land, the Universe of Play will contain several toys and games to appreciate its customers. 

This is only the beginning as plans are in place to test new ideas and combine them with existing projects in its web3 framework to engage Gen Z and young millennial users.