Wednesday Blues? Invest and Start Earning with The Sandbox (SAND) and Seesaw Protocol (SSW)

Place/Date: – February 24th, 2022 at 9:45 pm UTC · 4 min read
Source: Seesaw Protocol

It is Wednesday, fun and parties are over and you’ve probably spent a little more than you would have liked (don’t worry, it has happened to us all!). There is no need to be checking your bank account with regret today and questioning if you will ever start making better financial decisions in your life as making passive income with smart investments is possible and we’re going to tell you how you could start earning big now with The Sandbox (SAND) and Seesaw Protocol (SSW). Firstly, think about leaving the “Big Guys” behind (after last year’s crash, investors’ sentiments about them lean to the unfavourable side). These big names in the Crypto-World like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) are going out of fashion just like a pair of skin-tight jeans (so last season!) and here to replace them are smaller, more interesting, and profitable crypto-ventures.

Seesaw Protocol (SSW) Crypto-Business Done Right

First up in the list of potential for this week’s big money-making is Seesaw Protocol (SSW). Seesaw Protocol, as you can notice from the reference picture above, is heading skywards with its 1300% increase in not even a month since the first presale slot was introduced on the market! (January 25th). 2022 is the year for smarter crypto investments that do more than just sit there. SSW works across a wide range of platforms and brings on the table technological advancement and crypto-progression and excitement. When it comes to technology and creativity, Seesaw Protocol works with a variety of immersive technology 3D and augmented reality, multimedia streaming and story-telling, AI, gaming (..and it goes on!). The DeFi platform works on an avant-garde low fee rewards system that offers its investors passive expansion of their wallet by redistributing a percentage of the buying fee (3%) and a huge 5% bonus for every referral.

Seesaw Protocol is a Multi-Chain platform, working across these three: Firstly, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), secondly there’s the Polygon Network and lastly, they have the Ethereum Network (ETH). The road to investing in Seesaw Protocol is straightforward. SSW is still on their first presale today, and they have two more slots opening until launch day in April, when the distribution of tokens will take place. Constant growth seems to be the keyword and with a steady increase, from $0.005 to a projected $0.40+ (let me do the maths for you, that’s a jaw-dropping 7000% growth!) Seesaw Protocol may just be your new best crypto-friend.

The Sandbox (SAND) Crypto-Gaming Business

As said earlier, 2022 holds a huge portal of opportunities for anybody looking to invest in diverse lines of cryptocurrencies. The Sandbox (SAND) is hardly a newbie in the Web 3.0 family but it still holds the potential to generate investor’s satisfaction with its interest in modern technology and its SAND utility coin. Launched by creators and co-founders Arthur Madrid and Sebastien Borget in 2011 as part of the PIXOWL company, thanks to its ever-moving, ever-growing vision and mentality, it has managed to rank high in investors and analyst’s books. The Sandbox is on the market to offer a unique and thrilling way of engaging with crypto. SAND works on a blockchain virtual reality world permitting its users to buy and sell, swap, build and create their digital assets in a revolutionary game-form (how exciting!). Platforms of this kind are trending and very positively opening up to a broader and younger audience that’s thinking of investing, to then create a better future for themselves and their generation. The Sandbox effectively created and also facilitates a “Play-to-Earn” system that brings fun into earning for its users – both creators and gamers. This is the power of (blockchain) technology! A technology that combines the DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organization) with NFTs (Non-Fungible-Tokens) to create the future.

Start playing and start earning big – next weekend you’ll not be so worried about buying that extra Margarita!

For more news and latest updates please visit Seesaw Protocol Telegram, Twitter, Instagram, or just enter Presale.