Whales Spy These Cryptocurrencies For Best Returns: Gnox (GNOX), Loopring (LRC), And Kusama (KSM)

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Whales, meaning investors with large stakes in digital assets, seem to have been spying on the Gnox (GNOX), Loopring (LRC), And Kusama (KSM) projects for some time now. Data from Whale Alert, which tracks large cryptocurrency transactions, shows that whales acquired more of these coins over the past month than ever. What’s so unique and exciting about GNOX, LRC, and KSM?

Gnox (GNOX)

Gnox Token is the first platform on our list that is considered to experience large-scale adoption. The core idea of Gnox is to make passive income, yield farming, and DeFi investment as simple as possible, and that’s exactly what makes the project exciting for both the newbie investors and experienced crypto whales.

Buying and holding the Gnox token is all that investors need to generate passive income.

Holders can decide how the Gnox treasury is invested if they choose so. Alternatively, they can simply step aside and let the experts handle those choices. Gnox’s DeFi aggregator is designed to automatically calculate and redistribute rewards to holders – 1% from every GNOX sale.

We can consider the Gnox platform to be a specific category of crowdfunding platform, as

all Gnox shareholders need to put some of their interests into the treasury and, in return, they are entitled to a portion of the passive income it earns. 

The best part of GNOX’s mechanism is the rewards from the treasury are guaranteed to holders regardless of the direction the market is taking. More precisely, even if the bear market sustains, you are still guaranteed to gain rewards.

That is a very alluring proposal that, according to analysts, will undoubtedly be widely adopted. 

Up to August 12th, GNOX is in presale mode, where early investors are offered bonuses for the first purchase. 

So far, the GNOX price has increased by 63%, which is believed to reach higher highs as the Gnox team plans to burn all the unsold tokens when the presale phase ends. 

Loopring (LRC) 

Another exciting cryptocurrency that boosts hopes for Whales is Loopering (LRC). Loopring is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange protocol that enables the trading of digital assets on the Ethereum blockchain. The protocol utilizes ring-sharing to minimize counterparty risk and allows order matching across multiple exchanges.

The main idea of LRC is to let anyone build non-custodial, order book-based crypto exchanges on the Ethereum platform, which sounds promising and has potential for whales and investors.

 Loopring protocol is based on the concept of “ring-mining” that defines as a type of auction where orders are matched and executed in a loop.

Kusama (KSM)

The next crypto we have on the list is KSM. Kusama is a decentralized network designed to be scalable, responsive, and secure. Kusama also features upgrades and additions that can be found in Polkadot. As a parachain of Polkadot, Kusama will serve as a test network to Polkadot’s main network.

 Kusama’s primary focus is on canary releases, which are software releases deployed to a testing environment to verify their stability before being deployed to a production environment. Kusama’s native currency, KSM, is used for staking on the network and voting on governance proposals. The more KSM you have, the more weight your vote will carry. Stakers will earn a portion of the transaction fees associated with any parachains they are assigned to validate. 

Wrapping Up

Watching crypto whales can greatly help any investor make right choices, as whales can significantly influence price movement of any cryptocurrency. Spy GNOX, LRC, and KSM with them to be on the right track. 

Learn More About GNOX: 

Join Presale: https://presale.gnox.io/register
Website: https://Gnox.io
Telegram: https://t.me/gnoxfinancial
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/mnWbweQRJB
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gnox_io

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