What Is Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW)? A Quick Beginners Guide

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Place/Date: – September 30th, 2022 at 9:10 am UTC · 3 min read
Source: Snowfallprotocol.io

Even before its official launch, Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) has been sending shockwaves across the DeFi space with its ambitious mission. Cross-chain bridges and third-party services compatible with multiple chains are not new in the DeFi space. Still, the sheer scalability of Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) makes it a formidable platform, one that’s giving sleepless nights to all cross-chain bridges in the market at the moment.

Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) also differs from other cross-chain bridges in some crucial ways, and its founders hope that these differences will catapult the protocol into the list of top-performing DeFi tokens for this year. Here’s what you should know about Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW).

What is Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW)?

To put it in simple words, Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) is a cross-chain interoperability platform, a bridge, for moving assets, information, and funds between different blockchains.

You get a better understanding of Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) after taking a quick stock of the current state of DeFi space. There are 20,000 cryptocurrencies in the crypto universe, and each cryptocurrency is vying for its own space in the industry.

Since the inception of bitcoin, every new cryptocurrency has sought to address one or more shortcomings of the cryptos that came before them. For instance, Ethereum is designed for smart contracts; Monero’s USP is anonymity; Ripple makes cross-border transactions fast and cheap. The list goes on. As a crypto user, you are forced to move from one blockchain to another to enjoy the benefits each offer.

Suppose you own NFTs on Ethereum. Transactions on Ethereum are notoriously expensive during high-traffic times. Transaction costs as high as $1,000 are not unheard of on Ethereum. However, Cordano and Solana charge only a tiny fraction in fees. If you want to sell your NFT on Ethereum and then move your receipts from the transaction to Solana to enjoy the low transaction fees, you should be able to do it. However, under the current state of affairs, you cannot. At least, you cannot do it easily and conveniently.

That’s what Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) intends to change. It’s trying to make it possible for users to enjoy the benefits offered by any blockchain platform without giving up on the benefits offered by others.

Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) not only allows you to move your funds between any two blockchains, such as Ethereum and Solana from our example above, it also makes it possible for you to move your assets like NFTs between the two blockchains.

Ecosystem and Market Opportunity

Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) is not merely a dapp that bridges different blockchains. It’s an ecosystem that offers token holders low transaction fees and outstanding investment opportunities. Snowfallprotocol.io’S (SNW) staking and yield farming opportunities allow users to invest using any DeFi tokens of their choice. With returns as high as 350% APY, Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) users are looking at the next big passive income opportunity in the DeFi space.

Sounds interesting? You can contribute to Snowfall’s rapid expansion and adoption in three crucial ways:

  • Use Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) to move funds, swap assets, and participate in DeFi protocols
  • Bring your friends and community onboard to Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW)
  • Stay tuned to our blog to receive exciting updates on Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW)

Let’s bridge the entire crypto world and turn it into a unified multi-chain ecosystem.

For more information about Snowfallprotocol.io’s (SNW) Pre-sale: Website, Telegram, Presale, Twitter.

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