What Would Happen to DOGE, More if Elon Musk ‘Mysteriously’ Dies

Elon Musk 1
    • Elon Musk tweeted about his death under “mysterious circumstances.
    • ”Musk’s tweet came after a Russian official threatened the Tesla CEO.
    • Dogecoin’s price will likely be affected.

Elon Musk, Tesla CEO and soon-to-be interim CEO of Twitter, tweeted about his death under “mysterious circumstances.”

Musk’s tweet came after Russia’s head of space agency and former deputy prime minister, Dmitry Rogozin, warned the billionaire through the media:

Elon Musk is involved in supplying the fascist in Ukraine with military communication equipment. And for this, Elon, you will be held accountable like an adult—no matter how much you’ll play the fool.

Interestingly, the threat is linked to SpaceX’s Starlink program, which aims to provide internet across the globe. And as it seems, Musk supplying Starlink internet hubs to Ukraine didn’t sit well with the Russian official.

What if this tragedy happens, and why should the community care?

Musk is known to be a staunch supporter of cryptocurrency, especially Dogecoin. His statements and business moves have influenced the crypto market several times. The most recent example is when the DOGE price shot up after he bought Twitter. If the CEO leaves the mortal world, his favorite crypto could plummet.

One other thing is his takeover of the social media giant. Reports have said that his $44 billion bid isn’t finalized yet until the end of this year. And during this time, Musk is expected to operate as Twitter’s CEO for the meantime. Once the unexpected happens, his elaborate plans to change Twitter, including slashing salaries for Twitter’s board and making the social medium a beacon of free speech, might come to a halt.

All these aside from the fact Tesla and SpaceX’s image as a company could decline, according to a marketing analyst. Their products and share prices, among other things, could go downhill, similar to what happened with Apple Inc. when Steve Jobs departed.

Regardless, it is likely to just be one of Musk’s insincere banters, yet his supporters can’t help but call for his ramped-up protection—even trending the hashtag #KeepElonSafe on Twitter.