What’s New in Dolphin{anty} Anti-detect Browser 

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In summer 2021 affiliates, marketers, crypto users and other digital specialists started to test the new anti-detect browser that appeared on the market – Dolphin{anty}. Let’s check out what’s changed in the browser since last year.

A Few Words About Dolphin{anty}

Dolphin{anty} – is an anti-detect browser that helps to change your digital fingerprint and work from a single device with multiple accounts. The program was developed by an international team with CIS roots. Dolphin{anty} works on the basis of the Chromium browser.

Since its inception, the developers of the browser have focused on the:


The browser has a concise and user-friendly interface, which is simplified by pop-up windows with tips.


In addition to the tasks of replacing the user’s digital fingerprints, the browser greatly speeds up the work. For example, it has 5 filters: by tags, statuses, account types, users, and proxies.

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Another example: you can connect to the browser by API to automate your actions on the Internet. The API-connection is available on all subscription plans, including the Free plan.

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Regular updates and refinements of functionality

Although the browser exists for a year, the creators regularly add new features, improve old ones, and timely update the main browsers core depending on the updates of Chromium. This is achieved through:


What’s Changed in the Dolphin{anty}

Throughout the year, the Dolphin’s developers have been actively introducing updates. Below, we have collected the main ones:

Special Crypto profiles

When creating a new browser profile, you can select the Crypto type of profile. This’ll help you find the needed profile within seconds.

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Improved emulation quality

Due to a well-established process of regular updates and analysis of anti-fraud systems, the anti-detect has significantly improved the quality of emulation. For example, this quality allows users to successfully participate in token sales and trade on popular cryptocurrency platforms from multiple accounts at once.

Cookie robot

Now you can automatically get cookies for your profile.


Just enter the websites, that the robot needs to visit, and let him do all the job.

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The core updated to the latest version

The team promptly updates the Dolphin{anty} core after a new version of Chromium is released. For example, Dolphin{anty} is updated to version 101 at the time of this publication.

The company informs about updates inside the browser or in the news chat on Telegram.


Mass import and export of cookies

Just click on the profile and set the action you need.

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Smart paste

This function imitates manual typing. It can be very helpful in case you have many accounts, and you don’t want the anti-fraud systems to be suspicious about your pasting of the credentials.


Mass import of profiles with randomized fingerprints

You just need to open a special tab

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and select the data for the accounts.

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If you buy accounts in shops, with the help of a special Dolphin{parser} tool you can import dozens of accounts at a time within a few minutes.

Integration with other products of the company

In case you work not only with crypto, but also with social media, with the anti-detect browser you can use special ad managers for Facebook and TikTok.

Expanded functionality to work with proxies

The browser is compatible with all types of proxies. After saving the proxies in the browser, you can easily find them by using special filters. Moreover, in a special proxy tab you can check how many profiles use a particular proxy, from which spin try are these proxies and their status.


Follow our publications to learn more about Dolphin{anty}’s capabilities.

Work It

Kseniia Klichova

Kseniia is the Chief Content Officer of Coinspeaker, holding this position since 2018. Now she is very passionate about cryptocurrencies and everything connected with it, so she tries to ensure that all the content presented on Coinspeaker reaches the reader in an understandable and attractive way. Kseniia is always open to suggestions and comments, so feel free to contact her for any questions regarding her duties.