Who’s the Crypto Boss? A New Game Aims to Educate Rookie Crypto Investors

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Place/Date: – September 12th, 2022 at 3:18 pm UTC · 3 min read
Source: Cryptoboss

Photo: Cryptoboss

Cryptoboss.win, the play-to-earn NFT game launched by Pavel Volkov (Paul Volk), a former executive at a crypto investment fund, goes public in September.

The new game’s mission is to educate crypto-curious investors about the highly volatile and unpredictable cryptocurrency market. As of now, the beta version has been launched on Polygon.

Cryptoboss started in 2019 as a board game, when Volkov, then an executive at global cryptocurrency investment fund Amir Capital, realized that most people didn’t understand how the crypto world worked. He believed it would be easier to learn in a game format.

Volkov’s wife, his friends who trade crypto, and partners at the crypto fund helped him brainstorm and develop the board game. “It was very well received by the fund’s community, and people started buying it,” he said.

The board game is still on sale, according to Volkov. “It’s something like a cross between Rich Dad Cashflow, by renowned entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki, and Monopoly, the classic property trading game,” he said.

When the play-to-earn model gained popularity, Volkov decided to develop an online game as well. To raise funds, he turned to his community. Around a thousand people worldwide were playing his board game, connecting through online chats.

Volkov suggested creating 5,000 unique NFTs based on two figures representing the financial market — bulls and bears — for the presale. Community members had the chance to buy the collection at an early stage, and Volkov put the funds toward his online game.

“People who bought the first NFTs are already playing the game as a part of a closed community,” Volkov said. “But soon we’ll open it to everybody.”

According to Volkov, it’s easy to join the current beta test: all it takes is an online application. “The collection is pretty expensive: that was the community’s decision,” he said. “Not every player can afford to buy an NFT character for $100, but a new hamster collection will allow anyone to participate at zero cost.”

Hamster NFTs will be available to mint at zero cost on the game’s website. They will come with certain limitations: for example, they won’t be able to earn the game’s inner currency.

Currently, bulls and bears can use the Cryptoboss token to enhance their characters and extend their life. “Hamster holders won’t be able to do this, but they can still play the game and know more about crypto,” Volkov said.

Cryptoboss players learn by dealing with real-life situations, represented by virtual cards, such as “scam alert” or “bitcoin mining electricity bill.”

“Our ecosystem is a cross-platform gaming universe, where players have fun and enjoy themselves,” Volkov said. “At the same time, players can earn profit and build their investment strategies in multiple ways.”

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