Why Everdome will become the next best Metaverse token with 20x 


A world without limits may be closer than we think. And with Facebook changing to Meta, as well as the market up-tick in companies such as Nvidia and Roblox, there’s more than plenty of reasons why everyone should be getting to know just why and how the Metaverse could potentially be the new face of the internet – which is why Everdome will become the next best Metaverse crypto project with 20x potential.


As part of the ecosystem involving Metahero, and WDW, Everdome will act as the destination for Metahero/WDW’s ultra-HD avatars and real-world scanned objects. Born from the same masterminds behind Metahero, Everdome is set to provide a place for consumers, companies, brands, communities, and anyone else interested in the metaverse a very real-to-life web experience that promises endless opportunities.

The future of the internet will be a full exploration of our senses, and more of a destination than just a tool as it is now. With this mentality our team has set out to provide an opportunity for everyone who is interested in a very real-to-life version of the metaverse. states Rob Gryn, CEO and Founder of Everdome & Metahero.

Everdome will ultimately provide a first-of-its-kind destination for Metahero’s remarkable tech to live, interact and flourish. And that’s not all. If the chance to buy/sell land, rent property, or expand your network are just a taste of what this digital world can allow us to do, just think of what other opportunities lie in wait for us to discover in the fascinating and multi-faceted future, that is the Everdome.

On January 22nd2022, the Everdome token will hold its private pre-sale exclusively available for HERO (Metahero’s token) holders for $0.001, followed by a second pre-sale on Tenset Gems Platforms on January 24th. Those who met the Everdome pre-sale rules (holding HERO) or holding a Tenset TGLP subscription will have the opportunity to participate. The token will be listed publicly on February 8th. For more information about the presale, visit Everdome (@Everdome_io) / Twitter

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