Survey Reveals Over 50% of Americans Fear Significant Impact of AI on Employment

Survey Reveals Over 50% of Americans Fear Significant Impact of AI on Employment

Survey Finds Over Half of Americans Fear the Negative Impact of AI on Workers

A recent report from Pew Research reveals that 62% of Americans believe that the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace will have a “major impact” on American workers in the next 20 years. While AI has the potential to bring many benefits to businesses, many employees are “wary” and “worried” about what their future holds.

The study, which surveyed 11,004 adults in the US, also found that 56% of respondents believed that AI would have a major impact on the US economy as a whole. However, only 13% of participants believed that AI would “help more than hurt” American workers, while 32% thought the opposite. The remaining respondents predicted that “AI will equally help and hurt” American employees (32%) or were unsure (22%).

Concerns About the Negative Impact of AI on Workers

The survey did not directly ask participants whether they believed they would lose their jobs to AI. However, many respondents expressed concern that an AI-enabled workplace would lead to increased surveillance, data mismanagement, and misinterpretations. 81% of respondents cited worry that they would be watched “Big Brother” style. Furthermore, most respondents (71%) opposed the idea of AI being used to make final decisions in the hiring process.

Many respondents were also concerned about AI tracking their movements, with nearly two-thirds stating that they would be most bothered by AI tracking their minute-to-minute movements. Around half cited potential frustrations around an AI keeping track of how many hours they’re at their desk and recording exactly what they’re working on. Just under 40% cited concern that AI would be used to evaluate their performance.

Despite mixed views on what AI would offer to the workforce, two-thirds of respondents said they wouldn’t want to apply for a job where AI was used to make hiring decisions. Participants cited concerns that AI can’t judge character and would overlook or undervalue personality traits such as patience, compassion, and kindness that make someone a good co-worker.

The Role of AI in Hiring Decisions

While some participants opposed the use of AI in hiring decisions, others believed that AI has the potential to fill the shoes of a hiring manager by evaluating all skills and experience in their entirety. However, just under half of the participants said that AI would treat all applicants in the same way “better” than what hiring managers do, while 15% said AI would be “worse.” Under 15% said the treatment would be “about the same.”

Those who claimed that AI would lead to “better” treatment explained that the technology would help circumvent biases and discrimination based on age, gender, and race. However, others believed that AI may reinforce the same prejudices that companies are trying to eradicate.


The rise of AI in the workplace has led to concerns among many Americans about its potential impact on their jobs and the economy. While some believe that AI has the potential to bring many benefits, others worry about increased surveillance, data mismanagement, and misinterpretations. As AI continues to evolve and become more prevalent in the workplace, it will be important to address these concerns and ensure that the benefits of AI are balanced with the needs and concerns of American workers.